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A system of government where the national government and state governments share some powers, derive all authority from the people, and the powers of the national government are specified in a constitution, is known as what kind of system?

A system of government where the national government and state governments share some powers, derive all authority from the people, and the powers of the national government are specified in a constitution, is known as what kind of system?


End of Question 1

Question 2

2 Interstate contracts have been used between the states to address such policy concerns as all but which of the following?

Establish the boundaries between states.
Share natural resources between states.
Establish nationwide recognition of driver s licenses.
Regulate commerce between the states.

Enable cooperation and sharing of resources in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.

End of Question 2

Question 3

3 Gibbons v. Ogden, regarding the use of the Hudson River, established what principle regarding the commerce clause of the constitution?

There were no limits on the commerce clause except where state interests were deemed more pressing than national interests.
There were no limits on the commerce clause except those specifically listed in the Constitution.

The commerce clause did not allow Congress to prohibit the formation of a monopoly.
The commerce clause should be narrowly interpreted, giving Congress control over direct dealings only.
The commerce clause could be only invoked where resources were shared between states, such as the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey.

End of Question 3

Question 4

4 From the end of the Civil War until the 1930s, the Court generally upheld laws passed by the states regarding the general welfare, which included laws/cases concerning all of the following EXCEPT:

Civil rights
Labor relations
All of the above were generally found in favor of the states by the Supreme Court in this time frame.

End of Question 4

Question 5

5 FDR s court packing plan to raise the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 13

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