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Upload a two-page, single-space essay comparing the key concepts and propositions of liberal, institutionalist and Marxist theories of political economy. How do they understand capitalism in completely different ways? What political vision flows out of each perspective? Use proper paragraphs, grammar and spelling.

1. POLSCI 410 Week 1 and Heilbroner(PDF) are Liberal Theories of Political Economy.
2. POLSCI 410 Week 2, Kwak(PDF), Rodrik(PDF), and Mazzucatoare(PDF) are Institutionalist Theories of Political Economy.
3. POLSCI 410 Week 3, Marx and Engels(https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm), and Wolff(PDF) are Marxist Theories of Political Economy.

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