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The problem analysis guidelines are attached . You have to write about a case and build an argument using the lens of Bordieu’s capital .

1)    You could make a claim about the precarities of the migration process (see Salazar Pareenas, 2019) low-income migrant workers are willing to endure because of their poverty in their home countries
2)    You could make a claim about economic capital due to the low wages they receive in one of the richest countries in the Gulf (Qatar).
3)    You could make a claim about problems with power of the sponsor and the low status of the worker in society.
4)    You could make a claim about how their children are are likely to reproduce their social class in the future (see Salazar Parrenas, precarities of the future).

Use keywords from the the course readings . The readings are in the 76-101 Readings Citations.docx. The rest are other sources you could use but please focus on the ones in the docx. Use keywords such as capital , inequality , social class reproduction , special costs , precarity chains and other keywords in the course readings. If you need the pdf of any of them notify me.

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