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Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your text.
List your responses to questions 1 through 50 using the Personal Bargaining Inventory Answer Worksheet found in
Doc Sharing.
After listing your responses to questions 1 through 50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with
negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. Note: You are not required to re-type the

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CSCI$3130,$Winter$2014$ Assignment)2:)Unit)Tests,)Build)Scripts) $Consider$a$company$that$wants$to$keep$track$of$its$employees,$their$positions$and$their$ telephone$numbers.$Your$development$team$has$developed$a$simple$prototype$using$the$ Java$code$found$in$EmployeeDirectory.zip.$In$the$lib$directory$is$a$jar$file$that$must$ be$in$the$Java$classpath$in$order$for$the$code$to$compile$and$run.$In$the$res$directory$are$ sample$input$files$containing$employee$and$phone$records.$$ $1)$Use$jUnit$to$write$thorough$unit$tests$for$the$Phone$and$Employee$classes.

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CSCI$3130,$Winter$2014$ Assignment)2:)Unit)Tests,)Build)Scripts) $Consider$a$company$that$wants$to$keep$track$of$its$employees,$their$positions$and$their$ telephone$numbers.$Your$development$team$has$developed$a$simple$prototype$using$the$ Java$code$found$in$EmployeeDirectory.zip.$In$the$lib$directory$is$a$jar$file$that$must$ be$in$the$Java$classpath$in$order$for$the$code$to$compile$and$run.$In$the$res$directory$are$ sample$input$files$containing$employee$and$phone$records.$$ $1)$Use$jUnit$to$write$thorough$unit$tests$for$the$Phone$and$Employee$classes.$Do$not$put$ test$code$in$the$src$directory,$instead,$create$a$separate$test$directory.$$ $2)$The$provided$Ant$script$build.xml$contains$the$following$targets:$ • init$(does$preliminaries$for$build)$ • compile$(compiles$the$application$code$and$puts$it$into$build$directory)$ • dist$(default(target,$generates$the$application$distribution$jar,$places$this$and$ supporting$data$files$in$dist$directory)$ • clean$(deletes$any$directories$and$files$created$during$build$activities)$ $ Modify$build.xml$to$provide$the$following$additional$targets$(be$sure$to$update$clean$ accordingly):$$ $a)$test$(compiles$and$runs$the$jUnit$tests$you$have$created,$depends$on$compile)$ $b)$doc$(generates$the$application$code’s$javadoc$and$puts$it$into$a$doc$directory)$ $Resources$ https://github.com/junitQteam/junit/wiki$ http://ant.apache.org/manual/$ $$


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Managing Energy Sources
Week 4: Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Module Project Overview
The Final Project for this module will be completed in three deliverables and submitted in Weeks 4, 6, and 8. You will have a choice of two companies for your project, but you only need to focus on one organisation for all three of the project deliverables.

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Managing Energy Sources
Week 4: Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Module Project Overview
The Final Project for this module will be completed in three deliverables and submitted in Weeks 4, 6, and 8. You will have a choice of two companies for your project, but you only need to focus on one organisation for all three of the project deliverables. The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the development of the following:
Energy monitoring programme for all facilities within the organisation selected
Benchmarking of energy conserving measures in the respective industry that might be relevant to the organisation of choice
Descriptive analysis (pros/cons) of potential investments for each facility to reduce energy consumption by facility
Discussion of appropriate methods to use for evaluation investment options
Recommendations/prioritisation regarding measures to be implemented by each facility
Organisation A: Yundai Forging
Yundai is a Korean-based manufacturer specialising in the provision of heavy equipment and automobile parts. The organisation’s product portfolio consists of track chain groups for excavators and tractors; roller groups such as shafts, seals, collars and bushings; crank shafts and connecting rods; sprockets, tooth and segments, as well as forging parts. The facility has two manufacturing operations in South Korea, one manufacturing operation in Malaysia, and one manufacturing operation in India. The organisation employs 2,250 people.
For the past 30-odd years, Yundai’s products expanded from one industrial segment to another and eventually into defence products that require one of the most stringent quality and durability standards spelled out by U.S. Department of Defence Specifications, adopted by the Korean Armed Forces.
Yundai has several different forging capabilities at its different facilities:
Open Die Forging
This process is known as hand, Smith, and hammer forging and is…


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This assignment is on Scheme. Was wondering if you could help me please

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Question 1 (2 marks)
A function sum-ax-plus-b takes four arguments, a, b, m, and n, and evaluates the sum of ax + b for x from m to n. Write a procedure that computes sum-ax-plus-b by means of a recursive (i.e. head recursive) process [1 marks]. Write a procedure that computes sum-ax-plus-b by means of an iterative (i.e. tail-recursive) process [1 marks].
Question 2 (3 marks)
A toy data structure specifies the name of a toy, a description, the acquisition price, and the recommended sales price. Create constructors and accessors for the toy structure, ensuring that you do not use Racket’s built-in structs [1 marks]. Using only your accessors to get at the data in your structure, define a function that sorts a list of toy structures by the difference between the two prices [2 marks].


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simple dynamic
including planning,
designing, implementation, and testing. The design documentation, software
code, screen copy, test report, and brief user manual need to be submitted as a
full report.

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Assessment 1 – Project
Learner Instructions:
For this assessment task you will be required to submit a project in which you will be given a real life scenario to develop a simple dynamic website, including planning, designing, implementation, and testing. The design documentation, software code, screen copy, test report, and brief user manual need to be submitted as a full report.
In your project you must:
Gather information from your client (played by your assessor) to determine functional, non-functional, and visual requirement for the proposed website.
Document the requirements.
Perform the following design process
Database design
Web content design
User interface design
Navigational design
Visual design
Server side requirement
Confirm your design with your client (assessor) to gain approval
Select a website server product such as Apache or IIS (or an integrated server product such as WAMP) to implement the designed website.
Test your website against your design
Show your website to you client to gain feedback and acceptance.
Submit your project report containing design documentation, website code, screen copy, test report, and brief user manual to your assessor.
Assessor Checklist
Please complete below
Learner Name:
Learner ID:
Whilst undertaking this task, did the student
Gather information regarding to website functionality
Identify business requirement and standard
Document user requirement
Build database model based on requirement
Build web content based on business requirements
Design user interface
Design website navigational structure
Apply appropriate visual design
Summarise server requirement
Setup server environment for website development
Build database according to the design
Use dynamic web programming to construct the website…


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Part 5 – Annotated Bibliography (Due Week 7)
List of all of your references you used in the project to date (you should have at least 12 at this point) and create an annotated bibliography. Basically, for this assignment, you will use your reference list, in alphabetical order, and provide a 2-4 sentence summary (brief!!) of what that reference said.

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Part 5 – Annotated Bibliography (Due Week 7)
List of all of your references you used in the project to date (you should have at least 12 at this point) and create an annotated bibliography. Basically, for this assignment, you will use your reference list, in alphabetical order, and provide a 2-4 sentence summary (brief!!) of what that reference said. This is a summary style document! Your grade will be based on your ability to BRIEFLY summarize the important points in the document as well as the strength of your reference materials. (i.e. if you used mainly low-level reference documents like encyclopedias, online dictionaries, anonymous articles, etc. this will negatively impact your grade.)
A. Use of at least 12 references, properly annotated: 24 points (roughly 2 points each) B. Strength of references overall: 6 points (roughly .5 points each.) C. Use of one of the 5 -approved citation methods
Grading Rubric
Points per item:
Total points possible:
Use of 12 references (at least)
Brief summary (2-4 sentences tops!)
Strength of references
Proper use of one of the 5 -approved citation methods
Not applicable
Total Points

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Christianson, J. B., Bond, A. M., Carrier, E., Cunningham, P. J., Samuel, D. R., & Stark, L. B. (2011, September). Economic downturn strains Miami health care system (Community Report No. 11). Retrieved from http://www.hschange.org/CONTENT/1244/
Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in Appendix A of your textbook Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations.

Document Preview:

Christianson, J. B., Bond, A. M., Carrier, E., Cunningham, P. J., Samuel, D. R., & Stark, L. B. (2011, September). Economic downturn strains Miami health care system (Community Report No. 11). Retrieved from http://www.hschange.org/CONTENT/1244/
Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in Appendix A of your textbook Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. Your completed Case Study Analysis Report will include the following sections:
Executive summary
Body of the case report
Key issues
Situational analysis
Strategy formulation
Implementation strategies
Benchmarks for success and contingency plans
Where not all pertinent information is given in the case itself, search for that information through the South University online library, or perform a Web search for the required information. Note: Do not search for information beyond the date of the case.
For the Situational Analysis you are encouraged to provide visual presentation of data in your situational analysis and use the analysis tools from your textbook and other analysis tools you have used in your program, such as trend analysis, stakeholder analysis, etc.
Present your Case Study Analysis report in a Word document, formatted in the headings and sub-headings given above.
Submit your report in two steps: First, a preliminary report with the key issues, situational analysis, and strategy formulation. Then the complete report with recommendation, implementation strategies, benchmarks, and the executive summary.
Name your document as: LastnameFirstInitial_W3_A2_Preliminary.doc andLastnameFirstInitial_W3_A2_Complete.doc.
For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be namedSmithJ_W3_A2_Preliminary.doc and SmithJ_W3_A2_Complete.doc
By Monday, February 24, 2014, submit the preliminary report to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox. By Wednesday, February 26, 2014, submit the complete report to the W3: Assignment 2…


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This assignment is on Scheme. Could you could help me please

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Code Style and Testing (3 marks)
Refer to the below and the general “
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M4ElGrK1qC-Kb_2CdfkPzt9Iu4x-MMo0PMYKehlesjU/edit?usp=sharingAssignment Do’s and Don’ts” doc linked to on cuLearn.
All code has been well indented and has been broken down into reasonably sized procedures (no single line should be too long; aim for about 80 characters each) [1 mark]
Each procedure has been well documented (but not over-documented – don’t just restate the code) with comments, including the purpose of the procedure, the expected inputs, and the expected output [1 mark]
There is sufficient testing using check-expect and, at a minimum, no code is highlighted by DrRacket when the file is run [1 mark]
Question 1 (3 marks)
An accumulator is a procedure that is called repeatedly with a single numeric argument and accumulates its arguments into a sum. Each time it is called, it returns the currently accumulated sum. Write a procedure make-accumulator that generates accumulators, each maintaining an independent sum [2 marks]. The input to make-accumulator will correctly specify the initial value of the sum [1 mark]; for example
(define A (make-accumulator 5))
(A 10)
(A 10)
Question 2 (5 marks)
Write a procedure (make-queue) that produces independent first-in-first-out queue objects, using a message-passing style [2 marks]. For example:
(define queue1 (make-queue))
(define queue2 (make-queue))
Write procedures to manipulate queues. At a minimum [0.5 marks each]:
(queue1 ’empty?): boolean
(queue1 ‘enqueue! item): adds item to the queue
(queue1 ‘front): returns the next element of the queue that would be removed on dequeue
(queue1 ‘back): returns the last element of the queue that would be removed on dequeue (i.e. the most recent element added)
(queue1 ‘dequeue!): throws away the front element
(queue1 ‘print): prints some representation of the queue from front to back


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(7.47) In his management information systems textbook, Professor David Kroenke raises an interesting point: “If 98% of our market has Internet access, do we have a responsibility to provide non-Internet materials to that other 2%? Suppose that 98% of the customers in your market do have Internet access, and you select a random sample of 500 customers. What is the probability that the sample has
Greater than 99% of the customers with internet access?
Between 97% and 99% of the customers with Internet access?
Fewer than 97% of the customers with Internet access?

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(7.47) In his management information systems textbook, Professor David Kroenke raises an interesting point: “If 98% of our market has Internet access, do we have a responsibility to provide non-Internet materials to that other 2%? Suppose that 98% of the customers in your market do have Internet access, and you select a random sample of 500 customers. What is the probability that the sample has
Greater than 99% of the customers with internet access?
Between 97% and 99% of the customers with Internet access?
Fewer than 97% of the customers with Internet access?
(8.25) One operation of a mill is to cut pieces of steel into parts that are used in the frame for front seats in an automobile. The steel is cut with a diamond saw, and the resulting parts must be cut to be within+/- 0.005 inch of the length specified by the automobile company. The measurement reported from a sample of 100 steel parts (stored in Steel) is the difference, in inches, between the actual length of the steel part, as measured by a laser measurement device, and the specified length of the steel part. For example, the first observation, -0.002 represents a steel part that is 0.002 inch shorter than the specified length.
Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate for the population mean difference between the actual length of the steel part and the specified length of the steel part.
What assumption must you make about the population distribution in order to construct the confidence interval estimate in (a)?
Do you think that the assumption needed in order to construct the confidence interval estimate in (a) is valid? Explain.
(9.31) One operation of a steel mill is to cut pieces of steel into parts that are used in the frame for front seats in an automobile. The steel is cut with a diamond saw and requires the resulting parts must be cut to be within +/-0.005 inch of the length specified by the automobile company. The file Steel contains a sample of 100 steel…


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The company that I would like to open is a distribution company that deals with creating distribution channels from the producer to the ultimate consumer of a product. 1-To avoid losses to the company I would strictly deal with non-food and non-perishable goods and also non-sensitive goods in this case no electronics will be distributed. It will be a company that distributes on a wholesale level, but will establish retailing channels to ensure that the product will come from the producers and 2-we will ensure that it reaches the consumer (Kotler, 2009). Basically, my company will distribute things like toys, kitchen utensils, bathroom and cleaning products like detergents and soaps, candles and stationary.
The distribution industry is set in a way such that there is a channel that has to be formed and it includes intermediaries, the less they are the better because the price of the product will not be too high and more consumption will be expected. The structure of the industry is such that the five big distribution companies control 56% of the entire market share this means that the rest of the small distribution companies make up control the rest of the 44%. I plan on starting small by making quick and overnight deliveries to the retailers directly from the producer in the local area, this means I plan on competing at the local 3-areas.
Locally there are no restrictions in entry or exit into the distribution of goods; however the state laws dictate that the company must have several conditions put in place. First and foremost the distributor must have at least two trucks to distribute the commodities, they must have a go down that is relative to the size in distribution quantity, a driver and a manager and a licence from the state county council.
Most of the competitors offer distribution to other cities and other states and from there as well, however 4-my firm will offer distribution within the city.
The plan is to ensure that the producer does not worry…


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In 1895, a report called Report from the Departmental Committee on Prisons, also known as the Gladstone Committee Report (GCR), was developed. The purpose of this report was to introduce ideas regarding rehabilitation in the United Kingdom.

An example of the impact in the United States was the creation of the standardized sentencing guidelines and the continual amendments used to assist offenders. In the United Kingdom, the GCR influenced how rehabilitation programs were being developed.

Discuss how the Gladstone Committee Report addressed conflict over the words rehabilitation and treatment. In this discussion, identify which word you would choose and the impact it has on society.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • Using the course materials, textbook, and Web resources, research the Gladstone Committee Report.
  • Address the following in 3–5 paragraphs:
    • How did the GCR address the use of the words rehabilitation and treatment?
    • Which word would you choose as the appropriate term for handling offenders? Why?
    • How does that word impact society? Explain.

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Assignment 2: LASA 1: False Memories

The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many factors. This research repeatedly demonstrates that people do not remember exactly what they experienced. This module’s experiment will show you firsthand how memory for events is not always one hundred percent accurate.

Access the CogLab demonstration False Memory. Follow the instructions to complete the demonstration to familiarize yourself with false memory. Then locate at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that examined how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.

Based on your research, respond to the following situation:

You are considered to be an expert in false memories, and a local district attorney has therefore requested your expertise on the following case: 

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, a bank was robbed in Slidell, LA. It was just after opening time, 9:04 a.m., and there were barely any customers, when a car arrived and parked in the side parking lot of the bank. Two men came out of the car and walked to the entrance. Both wore dark clothing. Upon entering the bank, they held out guns and asked for the manager. When the manager identified herself, the smaller of the two robbers ordered her to open the safe. Meanwhile, the other robber, a tall, and burley man, walked around holding his gun in his outstretched arm, and threatening the remaining employees and customers. The manager complied and the smaller robber collected all the money and valuables from the safe. After five minutes, the big robber asked if his companion was ready to go. When he was, the two ran back to their car, and drove away.

The district attorney has asked that you create a presentation about false memory and explain how it might influence this case. He asks that you specifically address the following:

  • Describe false memory and false memory experiments. Use the CogLab experiment to illustrate false memory experiments, special distracters, and normal distracters.
  • Describe at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that investigated how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.
  • Explain how false memory might influence this particular case. Use specifics from the description of the case, the CogLab experiment, and research to support your answer.
  • Using evidence from the case, the CogLab experiment, and outside research, justify why eyewitness testimonies should or should not carry weight in criminal proceedings.
  • Discuss any procedures which can increase or reduce the occurrence of false memories when reporting eyewitness events.

Remember, your presentation is designed to help the jury understand false memory and how it might influence the eyewitness testimony of this case. You will have ten minutes to present.

Since this is a legal case, you must include formally written slide notes (proper grammar, proper paragraphs, APA formatting, and academic tone) with research to support your claims. The presentation will be a legal document in this case, so make it worthy of being legally binding!

Develop an 5–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt.


2014-08-17 15:30

I can do it, have you post it on the website?


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Read the case s

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Capstone Strategic Audit


In this assignment students integrate all the pieces of work they have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategic audit.


In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete the following:


Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for improving your company’s performance based on the findings and conclusions of your analysis.


A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company’s actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy audit.


In your strategy audit:


  • Provide a high-level analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance. Be sure to complete the following:
  • Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage
  • External environmental scan/five forces analysis
  • Internal environmental scan/organizational assessment
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Balanced scorecard/strategy scorecard
  • Recommend specific tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance.
  • Recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture and globalization (if you recommend your company go global, you must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global capabilities).
  • Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its strategy and vision.

You are to write this report as though you are a consultant to your company, and are addressing the executive officers of this company. You will collect and analyze a large amount of data in producing your report, but your final product will be condensed and focus on presenting your analysis findings and conclusions.


Your report should consist of the following sections in the given order.


  • Executive Summary (1 page): A concise and insightful summary of the significant findings of your analysis and the recommendations you have for your executive team.
  • Strategic Issues and Recommendations (5 pages): Identify 5–7 most important strategic issues facing your business unit. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under the current strategy.


The strategic issues list should integrate your SWOT analysis, your Five Forces analysis, and the organizational assessment and external environmental scan completed earlier during the course. These detailed analyses are the foundation for your final set of findings and recommendations presented to the executive team.


In developing your recommendations for addressing each strategic issue, consider misalignments that might be apparent in different operating areas:


  • Product Portfolio: Are there changes to the target market segment, value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line needed?
  • Structure: Are the organizational roles and responsibilities, decision-making authority, skill requirements, and work assignments properly configured and aligned to support the strategy?
  • Organizational Culture or Behavior: Does the organizational culture inspire behaviors that support the strategy? Are the mission, vision, and values clearly articulated and aligned with the strategy? What new behaviors are needed?
  • Value Chain Activities: Does the organization value chain fully align with the strategy? Are their activities that should be added, eliminated, or modified significantly?
  • Performance Measures: Do the organization’s performance measures focus on the key drivers of strategic success? Is there a strategy scorecard that ties the main elements of the strategy to specific operating capabilities, including goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that give an indication of incremental or predictive progress toward reaching strategic goals?

Your recommendations should fall into these general categories, but be specific in terms of scope and expected impact.


These sections are completed earlier in the course, and should appear as appendices:

  • SWOT Analysis (2 pages—completed in Module 6): SWOT matrix illustrating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Balanced Scorecard / Strategy Scorecard (4 pages—completed in Module 6): Develop a Balanced Scorecard for your business unit that reflects the key drivers for your business strategy.
  • Organizational Assessment (3 pages—completed in Module 5)
  • External Environmental Scan and Five Forces Analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 3)
  • Market Position Analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 2)

Write your report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Finalize the companion PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should include the following:


  • Title
  • Agenda
  • Summary of audit
  • Recommendations
  • Key measurements
  • Risks and benefits
  • Call to action
  • Next steps


Develop a 10-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources


Use information from your previous assignments to support your conclusions and recommendations and conduct additional research when needed. Make sure you properly reference and cite so that the location of information is clear.


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Strategy and Alignment


There are a variety of tools available for organizations to use to assess process. In this assignment you will learn how to apply a tool to a process situation.


RAEW is an acronym for responsibility, authority, expertise, and work. Responsibility denotes ownership, authority involves decision making, expertise involves skill or knowledge, and work is the task assigned either to a group or an individual.


Analyzing a process using the RAEW tool can help identify structural misalignments that impede strategy execution. These misalignments include the following:

  • Authority with no responsibility
  • Responsibility with no authority
  • Responsibility with no expertise

These misalignments can impede strategy execution by slowing decision-making, disempowering teams when there is responsibility without authority, or depriving processes of key skills when there is responsibility without expertise.



  • To prepare for your discussion posting, review the RAEW analysis technique at the following link:

Here are two examples to help check for understanding:

  1. YouSigma. (2008). RAEW Matrix. Retrieved from http://yousigma.com/tools/raewmatrix.pdf
  2. JISC InfoNet: RAEW Analysis. (n.d.). JISC Advance: Northumbria University. Retrieved from http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/InfoKits/process-review/process-review-9.7

Select an important process in your business unit that is performing poorly and perform a simple RAEW analysis.


Based on your analysis, respond to the following:

  • What is the process you analyzed?
  • How is it performing poorly?
  • Can you find any structural misalignments using the RAEW tool?
  • Describe the misalignment and the consequences of it.
  • How would you fix this misalignment?

In a paragraph, seperate from the assignment, pleasre answer this question too.


What can happen with good alignment between strategy, culture and operations?  From the other side, what can happen is there is mis-alignments?


Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.





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Strategy and Alignment


There are a variety of tools available for organizations to use to assess process. In this assignment you will learn how to apply a tool to a process situation.


RAEW is an acronym for responsibility, authority, expertise, and work. Responsibility denotes ownership, authority involves decision making, expertise involves skill or knowledge, and work is the task assigned either to a group or an individual.


Analyzing a process using the RAEW tool can help identify structural misalignments that impede strategy execution. These misalignments include the following:

  • Authority with no responsibility
  • Responsibility with no authority
  • Responsibility with no expertise

These misalignments can impede strategy execution by slowing decision-making, disempowering teams when there is responsibility without authority, or depriving processes of key skills when there is responsibility without expertise.



  • To prepare for your discussion posting, review the RAEW analysis technique at the following link:

Here are two examples to help check for understanding:

  1. YouSigma. (2008). RAEW Matrix. Retrieved from http://yousigma.com/tools/raewmatrix.pdf
  2. JISC InfoNet: RAEW Analysis. (n.d.). JISC Advance: Northumbria University. Retrieved from http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/InfoKits/process-review/process-review-9.7

Select an important process in your business unit that is performing poorly and perform a simple RAEW analysis.


Based on your analysis, respond to the following:

  • What is the process you analyzed?
  • How is it performing poorly?
  • Can you find any structural misalignments using the RAEW tool?
  • Describe the misalignment and the consequences of it.
  • How would you fix this misalignment?

In a paragraph, seperate from the assignment, pleasre answer this question too.


What can happen with good alignment between strategy, culture and operations?  From the other side, what can happen is there is mis-alignments?

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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WK5 Assignment: Share the Music

Watch two videos featuring the performance of a twentieth century music composition. Your choices must be from the twentieth century classical tradition, such as solo, orchestral or chamber music performances, not pop, rock, or jazz. Please note that this assignment is not a 20th century performance of music from the Classical era – students should watch videos of music that was composed in the twentieth century. The music chosen for this assignment needs to have been written in the twentieth century, so it is important to not choose music that was composed before the twentieth century. You can either choose two compositions written by the same composer or a composition from two different twentieth century composers. If you are not sure if your choices fit the requirements, be sure to ask in the Questions thread or by sending a personal message to your instructor. The following is a list of possible choices for composers for this assignment. You are not required to choose a composer from this list as long as your choices are composers from the twentieth century.

Charles Ives
Claude Debussy
Maurice Ravel
Eric Satie
Bela Bartok
Leonard Bernstein
Aaron Copland
Igor Stravinsky
Arnold Schoenberg
John Adams
John Cage
Philip Glass
Morton Feldman
Steve Reich
Iannis Xenakis
Pierre Boulez
Terry Riley

For each of the two videos discuss how those compositions reflect the six basics of melody, harmony, texture, rhythm, timbre, and form. You can refer to “Tools” in the course text for detailed information about each of these musical terms. Please also address how the composer’s music reflects the culture and/or time period in which he or she lived. Be sure to include links to the videos in your response. The videos should be cited in the body of the text and in a reference page.

There is no specific word count requirement for this assignment – just be sure you are addressing all of the required elements. In addition to these elements, please be sure to fulfill the Requirements for Writing Assignments, including citing all sources (including the performances) both in the body of the text and in a reference page. Please note that MLA is the standard citation style in the humanities. Here are some good sources of information for Evaluating Online ResourcesCiting Sources, and Writing & Grammar Resources. Papers will be evaluated according to the following Short Paper grading rubric. Please review and utilize this grading rubric in order to maximize points earned on this assignment.

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Assignment 5.Please review the course web site for access dates: Click on the begin button to access the assignment and submit your answers. This covers Unit V The Global Ocean in the textbook (Chapters 9 and 10).




MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. (2 points each)




1) Which of the following would NOT be associated with turbidity currents?


A) density current                    B) erosion of submarine canyons


C) formation of seamounts      D) deposits of graded beds




2) The gently sloping submerged surface extending from the shoreline toward the deep ocean is termed the ________.


A) submarine canyon  B) continental rise        C) continental slope     D) continental shelf




3) Which one of the following is NOT part of passive continental margin?


A) continental rise       B) continental slope     C) continental shelf     D) continental trench




4) Ocean covers approximately ________ percent of Earth’s surface


A) 71               B) 91               C) 51               D) 11




5) An echo sounder operates by measuring the time required for ________.


A) a laser beam to travels from a ship to the seafloor and back


B) a radar pulse to travel from a ship to the seafloor and back


C) a radar pulse to travel from a satellite in orbit around Earth to the sea surface and back


D) a sound pulse travels from a ship to the seafloor and back




6) What kind of seawater is densest?


A) warm, low salinity              B) cold, high salinity


C) cold, low salinity                 D) warm, high salinity








Examine the graph.At what latitude is the ratio of ocean water to land at its maximum? Choose from the following options.


A) between 60° and 65° north            B) between 0° and 5° north


C) between 60° and 65° south            D) between 25° and 30° south




8) No thermocline exists in high-latitude regions because there is little temperature difference between the top and bottom of the water column. In such a situation the water column is said to be ________.


A) pycnoclinal            B) multithermal                        C) clinothermal                        D) isothermal




9) ________ is the proportion of dissolved salts to pure water.


A) Density                   B) Salinity                    C) Pycnocline              D) Subduction




10) Manganese nodules are an example of ________ sediment.


A) manganesogenous               B) hydrogenous


C) terrigenous                          D) biogenous




11) ________ are huge circular-moving current systems that dominate the surface of the ocean within an ocean basin.


A) Coriolis                   B) Tombolos                C) Upwellings              D) Gyres




12) When waves reach shallow water they tend to be ________, which makes them become parallel to the shore.


A) refracted                 B) translated                C) reflected                  D) eroded




13) Large estuaries are more common on a(n) ________ coastline.


A) emergent                 B) eroding                    C) stable                      D) submergent








Examine the satellite view of chlorophyll concentrations in the southern Atlantic Ocean along the southwest coast of Africa (the nations of Namibia and South Africa). Which of the following statements offers the best explanation for the observed pattern(s)?


A) This is an area of downwelling, where water is sinking due to the higher density it gains when sea ice forms and salinity increases.


B) The coast is a “dead zone,” an area of very low biological activity.


C) This is an area of shallow water and waves breaking as they “feel bottom.”


D) This is an area of upwelling, where nutrient-rich water is rising due to winds blowing over the ocean’s surface.




15) You visit a coastal area for the first time. You note the presence of marine terraces, sea stacks, and sea arches. Based on these features, the area is likely to be ________.


A) in need of beach nourishment        B) a submergent coast


C) experiencing a spring tide               D) an emergent coast




16) Erosional retreat of a(n) ________ leads to enlargement and extension of a wave-cut platform in the inland direction.


A) sea arch                  B) marine terrace                     C) spit              D) wave-cut cliff




17) The energy that drives surface ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream comes from ________.


A) temperature differences                  B) salinity variations


C) the Coriolis effect                           D) prevailing wind patterns




18) One result of wave refraction is that wave energy is concentrated ________.


A) on spits


B) on headlands projecting into the water


C) in bays, coves, and other recessed areas between headlands


D) on tombolos




19) Fetch is ________.


A) a method of shoreline erosion control


B) the distance between the trough of a wave and the still water level


C) the distance over which the wind blows over open water


D) the circular pattern made by water particles when a wave passes




20) The center of each of Earth’s five major gyres is found at about ________ latitude.


A) 60°              B) 30°              C) 90°              D) 0° (the equator)




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SWOT Analysis and Strategic Scorecard


One of the most common business tools during organizational assessment is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) model. Another is developing a balanced scorecard based on a prescribed or planned set of performance objectives that will be measured and evaluated regularly. In this assignment, you will learn about both and how to apply them in business.


Integrate the research and analysis from the previous three assignments and produce a SWOT analysis and a strategic scorecard for your business unit.


Part 1—SWOT Analysis (2 pages)
Your SWOT analysis should summarize the opportunities and threats from the external environmental scan with the strengths and weaknesses from your organizational assessment or internal environmental scan.


Your output should include a matrix depicting strengths or weaknesses on the horizontal axis and opportunities or threats on the vertical axis. This matrix will reveal a set of strategy forces that can be used to assess the current strategy and identify important potential changes to the strategic direction of the company.


In creating your SWOT analysis, look for natural pairings of internal and external factors that match internal resources and capabilities to the external environment. Internal strengths and external opportunities depicted in the upper left quadrant on your matrix might form complementary pairs that suggest necessary strategic focus for the business unit to pursue opportunities that fit its competitive strengths. Conversely, internal weaknesses and external threats shown in the lower right quadrant of the matrix may combine to illustrate the need for a defensive strategy to avoid becoming highly susceptible to competitive threats.


Your matrix should not simply be a collection of four lists compiled together in a matrix. Your analysis should combine factors and explain why specific strengths complement specific opportunities, and selected weaknesses are amplified by external threats. In addition to your matrix, provide a brief narrative that summarizes the main findings in your analysis and the implications for the current and projected strategy.


Part 2—Balanced Scorecard/KPIs (4 pages)
Use the balanced scorecard or another similar tool to recommend indicators and measurements that will tell you if the company is successful or unsuccessful in progressing toward your vision through execution of strategy.


A balanced scorecard presents organizational performance on four primary groups of measures:

  1. Financial
  2. Customer (external stakeholder)
  3. Learning and Growth
  4. Internal Process

You should develop a strategy scorecard that ties the performance of your business unit in these areas to its overall business strategy. The challenge you face is selecting 2–3 measures in each of the four areas that give a measurable and reliable indication of the business unit performance in the key activities that promote strategic fit, customer value, and sustained competitive advantage.


Write a 6-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources





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Business Metrics


Understanding business metrics as key performance indicators (KPIs) is a key part of business strategy and management. In this assignment, you will look at financial performance measures.


Financial performance measures are vitally important to assessing corporate performance. However, financial measures are primarily backward looking in that they measure the results of past actions, and do not always give a reliable indication of future direction.


Respond to the following:


  • For your own organization (Donaldson Company), give three examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they are measured that are forward looking and more predictive.
  • What aspect of the value chain are they measuring?
  • How do these measures tie to specific strategies in your business unit?

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Proff Writer


Chapter 9 of the textbook focuses on the importance of designing effective lessons. For this assignment, you will create a presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, or another presentation tool of your choice to analyze effective practices in designing effective instruction for students.

Scenario: You have been asked by a colleague or administrator to support other educators in designing effective instruction. It has been observed that most of the educators have been planning instruction using a traditional model. The objectives of the presentation are to explain the backwards design model of designing instruction, to provide an overview and rationale of the process, to compare and contrast the two models, and finally to provide an example that other educators could use as a model for their own planning. 

The presentation will consist of three parts: 

Part One: Effective Lesson Design and Backwards Design
In this section of the presentation, you will need to discuss the following topics:


  1. What are the most important elements of effective lesson design? 
  2. Why are good learning objectives critical to planning effective instruction? 
  3. Provide an example of a good learning objective aligned with the Common Core State Standards. What makes this a “good” learning objective? 
  4. What are some common pitfalls in planning effective lessons? How can we avoid these pitfalls? 
  5. What does backwards design mean? 
  6. How does the Common Core State Standards Initiative play a role in designing effective instruction? 


Part Two: Compare and Contrast Backwards Design and the Traditional Model

In your presentation, include a visual representation using a chart, diagram, concept map, infographic, or any other visual that compares and contrasts the backwards design model with the traditional model of lesson planning. 

Part Three: Backwards Design Activity 

In this section of your presentation, you should demonstrate the process of planning a brief lesson (not an entire unit) for any grade level through a backwards design approach. Your example should be a specific example that starts with planning for stage one (identifying desired results), then stage two (assessment evidence), and lastly, stage three (the learning activities). Your activity must be aligned to a Common Core State Standard.

Optional: If you are interested in honing your professionalism and speaking skills, consider delivering your presentation to an audience and videotaping it (you can include a YouTube link in the slides) or creating a screencast of the presentation using Screenr or Jing and recording yourself presenting the information. If you choose to record yourself or do a screencast, be sure to have relevant information on the screen (such as your presentation slides) while you are speaking and include the link in your presentation for your instructor. This could be a great addition to your professional portfolio and to any professional networks in which you are involved (i.e., LinkedIn, Twitter, or any professional organizations). Such a presentation can provide you an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and professionalism to others and to gain meaningful feedback.

In your presentation, you should cite your sources both in your slides and in your references using APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must cite the course textbook as well as at least one other peer-reviewed source. The presentation should be 12 to 20 slides in length, not including title and reference slides. Be sure also to save a copy of your assignment for your Final Project and for future professional development.




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Internal Environmental Scan/Organizational Assessment


This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project. Conducting an internal environmental scan or organizational assessment, provides the ability to put the strategic audit together.


You will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the internal environment at your business unit or organization you are working with for this project, also known as an organizational assessment, and present your findings in a report. Your report should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your business unit and categorize them as strengths or weaknesses in terms of enabling the business strategy (these will be inputs into a final SWOT analysis).

The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should include the following:

  • Mission, Vision, and Values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values?
  • Strategy Clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the business strategy through interviews with mid-level and senior managers. Assess their understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage (these are inputs from M5: Assignment 1).
  • Cultural Assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times?
  • Value Chain Analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage.
  • Summary of Findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit, differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to competitors.

Write a 3–4 page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Supply Chain


Understanding supply chain and how the consumer can play a critical role in the supply chain is an important part of developing and implementing a strategy. In this assignment you will explore the concept of the supply chain in business and the role of the customer in the supply chain.
There are many products and services today where the target customer is part of the supply chain. Wikipedia, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Craig’s List are just a few examples.


Respond to the following:

  • Give an example of a product or service where the target customer is part of the supply chain.
  • Describe the types of innovations or improvements that have come from involving the target customer in the supply chain.
  • Describe the types of information technology mechanisms that have been used to involve the customer in the supply chain.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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see attached file for instructions.

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See two attached attached files. make sure that the link article is just a repond and the “khan poverty Swat article” you should write abstract, author identification, key points…etc and dont forget to write something interesting at the end of the paper. 


just read the instructions, and you will know everything

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You will explore how businesses react to changing economic times and the influence this has on product/service positioning in the market place. You will also learn about the different approaches an organization may take such as a retrenchment approach, an investment approach, or an ambidextrous approach to provide a foundation for opportunity and risk in recessionary times.Consumer spending habits have undergone dramatic and enduring change in the United States.


  • What risks and opportunities do the three common strategies during recessionary times—retrenchment, investment, and ambidextrous strategies—present to businesses?
  • What are the factors that are key for establishing product differentiation in the new post-recession consumer environment especially as it relates to economic indicators?
  • What is a luxury good and should marketers of luxury goods abandon their efforts to establish premium pricing?
  • How do changes in societal attitudes toward companies and products affect the way marketers of consumer goods think about the customer value chain? Provide examples of companies that have changed their approach to marketing in response to a shift in consumers’ value in changing economic times.


Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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External Environmental Scan


In order to develop effective strategies, it is critical to understand the marketplace environment. In this assignment you will explore the relationship between marketplace positioning based on environmental factors.


Throughout this capstone course, you will work on a strategy audit for a selected organization. You selected an organization for your course project activities (Apple, Inc).. So far you have completed a market position analysis for your organization.


In this module you will conduct a comprehensive external environmental scan of your business unit, including a Five Forces analysis, to identify the relevant trends that pose opportunities or threats to your business.


There are many elements that can go into an environmental scan, and your analysis will depend on the nature of your business unit, product portfolio, target market, and other factors related to the scope of your business.


Your environmental scan should include some or all of the following elements:

  • Economic factors and trends
  • Political factors and trends
  • Regulatory and legal factors and trends
  • Societal factors and trends
  • Technological factors and trends
  • Geographic factors and trends
  • Porter’s Five Forces that consists of the following aspects:
    • Threat of new competition
    • Threat of substitute products or services
    • Bargaining power of customers (buyers)
    • Bargaining power of suppliers
    • Intensity of competitive/industry rivalry

Although your analysis will be tailored to your specific business, be sure to cover the following:


  1. A thorough Five Forces analysis of your industry
  2. The key factors and trends in any other areas affecting your industry
  3. A preliminary classification of the external factors and trends as either opportunities or threats which will be the inputs for the final SWOT analysis

Write a 3-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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You will explore how businesses react to changing economic times and the influence this has on product/service positioning in the market place. You will also learn about the different approaches an organization may take such as a retrenchment approach, an investment approach, or an ambidextrous approach to provide a foundation for opportunity and risk in recessionary times.Consumer spending habits have undergone dramatic and enduring change in the United States.


  • What risks and opportunities do the three common strategies during recessionary times—retrenchment, investment, and ambidextrous strategies—present to businesses?
  • What are the factors that are key for establishing product differentiation in the new post-recession consumer environment especially as it relates to economic indicators?
  • What is a luxury good and should marketers of luxury goods abandon their efforts to establish premium pricing?
  • How do changes in societal attitudes toward companies and products affect the way marketers of consumer goods think about the customer value chain? Provide examples of companies that have changed their approach to marketing in response to a shift in consumers’ value in changing economic times.


Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Describe how attitude test and a questionnaire will be useful in measuring behaviors.


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Each chosen profession will have unique expectations which are important to both employee and employer. Professionals are looking for ways to preserve the environment or go “green” in their work environment. Along with this they are required to adhere to safety factors using Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards that your particular career must follow.


Assignment Instructions

Find an article of your choice that discusses what you can do to stay current on OSHA standards or the Green movement. How will this help you to progress professionally? Write a 3-page article review following the Assignment format below.


Assignment Format

  • Cover page that includes your name, course, section number, date, and the Assignment title
  • One page summary of the article information
  • One page discussing your personal views of the subject matter and how it can help you progress as a professional
  • Proper APA citation of the article

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This assignment examines the connection between and relevance of a solid and appropriate business model and an effective business strategy. You will explore the independent and interdependent nature of business models and strategies.


Review the following statement:

  • A company can have a strong business model but a weak strategy.

Respond to the following:

  • State whether you agree or disagree with this statement, giving reasons.
  • If you agree give an example, from your experiences or from the popular press, of a company with a strong business model but a weak strategy. If you disagree with the given statement explain why this is impossible.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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There can be a good strategy with a bad product and a good product with a bad strategy, and this can impact product or service success in the marketplace. There are many cases of good products taking much longer to achieve their rightful success because of poor strategy. This assignment helps you explore why such issues occur and how to prevent them.


Identify a good product that had a bad “get to market” strategy and as a result took longer than it should have to be successful. 

Respond to the following:


  • What could the company have done differently in its strategic planning to expedite the results?
  • How might the approach you describe be a universal consideration to other businesses as they “go to market”?

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Final Project


You work for a HR consulting company and an organization (just like the one in which you currently work, have worked, or have access to) has hired your firm to conduct


an HRM analysis and make recommendations to better align HR practices to the key business initiatives of the company. In order to accomplish the goal:



1. Analyze the organization and develop a set of HRM practices based upon textbook illustrations and figures.  You will develop an 8-10 page research paper (not


including the title and reference pages) modeling one or more of the illustrations from the course text.  Your paper should also:


Identify the firm’s history, strategy, market position, and specific area of alignment.

Provide job pricing and compensation package.

Describe and analyze the current and targeted work processes as well as the respective knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to achieve the organization’s objectives.

Incorporate a discussion of relevant technology considerations to achieve work output in the context of the organization’s goals.

Provide a discussion of the labor market and the appropriate labor law context.  Identification of companies that are preparing to address the changes.

Prescribe a set of HRM recommendations, specifically tailored for the selected firm, consisting of choices from the 19 dimension of an HRM system presented in Chapter 3 of the course text.

Describe other HRM issues as applicable.

2. Timetable:


Week One: Organization identification, history, industry, and definition of business strategy

Week Two: Key employee behaviors and KSAs appropriate for work class

Week Three: Technology factors and organizational design of work processes

Week Four: Labor market and legal environment

Week Five: Draft of HRM practices

Week Six: Final 8-10 page paper




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Your assignment will be to find a hot topic issue, one that is current and has been in the media this week or last week. Follow the steps below:

1.    Begin your post with the reference list citation of the article that you found.

2.    Write a short summary of the topic of the article. You might address the following questions: What is the topic? Where is the controversy taking place? Who is involved in the issue? What is the main concern or controversy? What are the experts saying about the issue? What kind of issue is it: political, economic, social, etc.?

3.    Give your perspective. You might address the following questions: What do you think about the controversy? Do you think it is news worthy? What larger issues does the controversy allude to that might not be discussed directly within the article? What do you think should be done?

If you quote from the reading, use quotation marks and supply an in-text citation with the author’s last name, date of publication, and page number. If you include outside sources (for example, if you quote an additional news article), you need to use in-text citations and include reference list citations.


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As discussed earlier, market segmentation strategies can include demographics, psychographics, and geographics. What three academic disciplines can play a role in advertising research?  (Examples of academic disciplines include psychology, statistics, economics, sociology, information technology, etc.) What unique contribution does each discipline make to understanding consumers and the marketplace?  In a four- page paper (not including the title and reference pages), explain your position.

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Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study

Read the IRIS Center’s Norms and Expectations. Review the case study labeled “Level A Case 1” and the STAR sheets. http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/case_studies/ICS-003.pdf



Then, write a paper in which you: 

  • Identify and describe three expectations for appropriate classroom behavior for young children with examples for each.
  • Critically analyze Ron’s challenging behaviors to determine contributing factors (as presented in Level A Case 1).
  • Construct two specific strategies for addressing Ron’s challenging behavior, describe the implementation plan and desired outcomes.

Your paper must be at least one page in length (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) and utilize APA formatting. It must cite at least two scholarly resources (including the course text). Citations must be properly formatted in APA style.

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1.   Consider the following scenario: A firm acquires a strategically related target after successfully fending off four other bidding firms. Under what conditions, if any, can the firm that acquired this target expect to earn an economic profit from doing so?




2. If adverse selection, moral hazard, and holdup are such significant problems for firms pursuing alliance strategies, why do firms even bother with alliances? Why don’t they instead adopt a “go it alone” strategy to replace strategic alliances?


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 Since its introduction in 2004, Blue Ocean Strategy has received much attention among management practitioners and researchers. Many were intrigued by the idea that organizations could focus their efforts on creation of uncontested market spaces where head-to-head competition would no longer be relevant. For some, Blue Ocean Strategy was a strong response to the dominance of neoclassical economic thought on the field of strategy, and the beginning of a new era that promised economic growth and high profitability across industries. 

The critiques of Blue Ocean Strategy, on the other hand, have suggested that the idea lacks external validity and that prescriptions for organizations based on the concept rarely lead to successful outcomes. Some have also argued that the underlying assumptions of Blue Ocean Strategy are not that different from the foundations of Competitive Strategy. 


Your task is to write up to 5 paragraphs analyze the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy. You need to build on your understanding from the readings, the video from Andrew Burke’s interview, and also Michael Porter’s interview on his Five Forces framework to build your arguments. You need to briefly discuss what Blue Ocean Strategy could mean to the strategic decision at your own organizations, what are the positives and what are the challenges? 

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Assignment 2: LASA 1: False Memories

The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many factors. This research repeatedly demonstrates that people do not remember exactly what they experienced. This module’s experiment will show you firsthand how memory for events is not always one hundred percent accurate.

Access the CogLab demonstration False Memory. Follow the instructions to complete the demonstration to familiarize yourself with false memory. Then locate at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that examined how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.

Based on your research, respond to the following situation:

You are considered to be an expert in false memories, and a local district attorney has therefore requested your expertise on the following case: 

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007, a bank was robbed in Slidell, LA. It was just after opening time, 9:04 a.m., and there were barely any customers, when a car arrived and parked in the side parking lot of the bank. Two men came out of the car and walked to the entrance. Both wore dark clothing. Upon entering the bank, they held out guns and asked for the manager. When the manager identified herself, the smaller of the two robbers ordered her to open the safe. Meanwhile, the other robber, a tall, and burley man, walked around holding his gun in his outstretched arm, and threatening the remaining employees and customers. The manager complied and the smaller robber collected all the money and valuables from the safe. After five minutes, the big robber asked if his companion was ready to go. When he was, the two ran back to their car, and drove away.

The district attorney has asked that you create a presentation about false memory and explain how it might influence this case. He asks that you specifically address the following:

  • Describe false memory and false memory experiments. Use the CogLab experiment to illustrate false memory experiments, special distracters, and normal distracters.
  • Describe at least one research study from a peer-reviewed journal that investigated how eyewitness memory can be affected by false memories.
  • Explain how false memory might influence this particular case. Use specifics from the description of the case, the CogLab experiment, and research to support your answer.
  • Using evidence from the case, the CogLab experiment, and outside research, justify why eyewitness testimonies should or should not carry weight in criminal proceedings.
  • Discuss any procedures which can increase or reduce the occurrence of false memories when reporting eyewitness events.

Remember, your presentation is designed to help the jury understand false memory and how it might influence the eyewitness testimony of this case. You will have ten minutes to present.

Since this is a legal case, you must include formally written slide notes (proper grammar, proper paragraphs, APA formatting, and academic tone) with research to support your claims. The presentation will be a legal document in this case, so make it worthy of being legally binding!

Develop an 5–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt.

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Example of the outline

Developing an Annotated Outline


The word “annotation” refers to adding information, usually comments, explanations, or references


 An annotated outline, then, would be an outline to which additional information is added, also known as annotations. Information included in the annotations is determined by the purpose of the annotated outline.




This outline is not annotated.


I. Transforming chaos into order


 A. Definitions of chaos and order


One way to add annotations: adding citations of sources and additional information about each of


the sources.


I. Transforming chaos into order


 Arling, T.J., (2006). Understanding order and chaos. New York: Wylie and Sons.


 Arling provides a broad overview of the relationship between ordered and  unordered systems. Included in this overview is a discussion of how the  contrast between these systems has affected scientific thought over the past   200 years.


 Still another way to add annotations: adding complete sentences, with each sentence usable as a topic sentence for a paragraph in a project or paper.


I. Transforming chaos into order


 Arling, T.J., (2006). Understanding order and chaos. New York: Wylie and Sons.


 The contrast between ordered and unordered systems – order and chaos – has affected scientific thought over the past 200 years.




Self-Regulation of Learning




Use published human and animal research and behaviorist, social cognitive, information processing and constructivist theory to develop an outline of a research proposal to measure self-regulation in one of the following fields: 




·         Environmental or evolutionary psychology


·         Forensic psychology


·         Health or sports psychology


·         Industrial/organizational or engineering psychology




Select and complete one of the following assignments:




Option 1: Self-Regulation Presentation




Prepare this outline of a research proposal as a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes as if your audience were members of a foundation grant screening committee.




Address the following in your presentation:




·         A description of how you are proposing to measure self-regulation


·         The operational definitions, limitations, assumptions, hypotheses, and data analysis plans


·         The deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions




Option 2: Self-Regulation Outline




Prepare a 3- to 5-page annotated or expanded outline for review by members of a foundation grant screening committee.




Address the following in your outline:




·         A description of how you are proposing to measure self-regulation


·         The operational definitions, limitations, assumptions, hypotheses, and data analysis plans


·         The deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions

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Complete full answers

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Three Application Papers are due during this course: The firstpaper is due to the Dropbox in Week 2. (required) Topic: Profile ahealth information exchange organization. Conduct a search of theInternet, consult professional journals or interview a professionalin the field. Research the status of health information exchangeimplementation in your state. Connect your findings to courseobjectives. The second paper is due to the Dropbox in Week 5.(required) Topic: Research electronic health record functionalitystandards or certification. Write a paper describing how you wouldincorporate your findings into the EHR selection anddecision-making process. Sources include the HL7 EHR FunctionalModel, CCHIT certification criteria and other organizationsoffering EHR certification. The third paper is due to the Dropboxin Week 6. (required) Topic: Research the HIMSS Davies Awardwinners. Review the case study for one of them. Compare theirexperience with the learning from this course. Course Project

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Select and read the articles about Bill Gates and Dr. MartinLuther King and Write a 1,050 word paper. Include thefollowing:

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Three Application Papers are due during this course: The firstpaper is due to the Dropbox in Week 2. (required) Topic: Profile ahealth information exchange organization. Conduct a search of theInternet, consult professional journals or interview a professionalin the field. Research the status of health information exchangeimplementation in your state. Connect your findings to courseobjectives. The second paper is due to the Dropbox in Week 5.(required) Topic: Research electronic health record functionalitystandards or certification. Write a paper describing how you wouldincorporate your findings into the EHR selection anddecision-making process. Sources include the HL7 EHR FunctionalModel, CCHIT certification criteria and other organizationsoffering EHR certification. The third paper is due to the Dropboxin Week 6. (required) Topic: Research the HIMSS Davies Awardwinners. Review the case study for one of them. Compare theirexperience with the learning from this course. Course Project

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MATH/CSCI 4116 Cryptography Assignment 2 1. Prove parts (b) and (c) of Proposition 2.1. 2. A string over a finite set ^ is a finite sequence of elements from ^. Show that the following procedure defines a cryptosystem. Let w be a string over {A,B, . . . ,Z}. Choose two shift cipher keys k1 and k2. Encrypt the elements of w in odd-numbered positions with k1 and those in even-numbered positions with k2. Then reverse the order of the encrypted string. Determine the plaintext space, the ciphertext space, and the key space. 3.

Document Preview:

MATH/CSCI 4116 Cryptography Assignment 2 1. Prove parts (b) and (c) of Proposition 2.1. 2. A string over a finite set ^ is a finite sequence of elements from ^. Show that the following procedure defines a cryptosystem. Let w be a string over {A,B, . . . ,Z}. Choose two shift cipher keys k1 and k2. Encrypt the elements of w in odd-numbered positions with k1 and those in even-numbered positions with k2. Then reverse the order of the encrypted string. Determine the plaintext space, the ciphertext space, and the key space. 3. Which of the following schemes is a cryptosystem? What is the plaintext space, the ciphertext space, and the key space? (a) Each letter x 2 Z26 is replaced by kx (mod 26), k 2 {1, 2, . . . , 26}. (b) Each letter x 2 Z26 is replaced by kx (mod 26), k 2 {1, 2, . . . , 26}, gcd(k, 26) = 1. 4. (a) Find all the invertible residue classes mod 15 and their inverses. (b) Determine the group of units and the zero divisors of Z/16Z. 5. (a) List all integers x in the range -50 ? x ? 50 that satisfy x ? 7 (mod 17). (b) Exhibit a set of representatives modulo 17 composed entirely of multiples of 3. (c)Write a single congruence that is equivalent to the pair of congruences x ? 2 (mod 7), x ? 3 (mod 10) Due: Friday, September 24


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Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your text.
List your responses to questions 1 through 50 using the Personal Bargaining Inventory Answer Worksheet found in
Doc Sharing.
After listing your responses to questions 1 through 50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with
negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. Note: You are not required to re-type the

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CSCI$3130,$Winter$2014$ Assignment)2:)Unit)Tests,)Build)Scripts) $Consider$a$company$that$wants$to$keep$track$of$its$employees,$their$positions$and$their$ telephone$numbers.$Your$development$team$has$developed$a$simple$prototype$using$the$ Java$code$found$in$EmployeeDirectory.zip.$In$the$lib$directory$is$a$jar$file$that$must$ be$in$the$Java$classpath$in$order$for$the$code$to$compile$and$run.$In$the$res$directory$are$ sample$input$files$containing$employee$and$phone$records.$$ $1)$Use$jUnit$to$write$thorough$unit$tests$for$the$Phone$and$Employee$classes.

Document Preview:

CSCI$3130,$Winter$2014$ Assignment)2:)Unit)Tests,)Build)Scripts) $Consider$a$company$that$wants$to$keep$track$of$its$employees,$their$positions$and$their$ telephone$numbers.$Your$development$team$has$developed$a$simple$prototype$using$the$ Java$code$found$in$EmployeeDirectory.zip.$In$the$lib$directory$is$a$jar$file$that$must$ be$in$the$Java$classpath$in$order$for$the$code$to$compile$and$run.$In$the$res$directory$are$ sample$input$files$containing$employee$and$phone$records.$$ $1)$Use$jUnit$to$write$thorough$unit$tests$for$the$Phone$and$Employee$classes.$Do$not$put$ test$code$in$the$src$directory,$instead,$create$a$separate$test$directory.$$ $2)$The$provided$Ant$script$build.xml$contains$the$following$targets:$ • init$(does$preliminaries$for$build)$ • compile$(compiles$the$application$code$and$puts$it$into$build$directory)$ • dist$(default(target,$generates$the$application$distribution$jar,$places$this$and$ supporting$data$files$in$dist$directory)$ • clean$(deletes$any$directories$and$files$created$during$build$activities)$ $ Modify$build.xml$to$provide$the$following$additional$targets$(be$sure$to$update$clean$ accordingly):$$ $a)$test$(compiles$and$runs$the$jUnit$tests$you$have$created,$depends$on$compile)$ $b)$doc$(generates$the$application$code’s$javadoc$and$puts$it$into$a$doc$directory)$ $Resources$ https://github.com/junitQteam/junit/wiki$ http://ant.apache.org/manual/$ $$


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Managing Energy Sources
Week 4: Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Module Project Overview
The Final Project for this module will be completed in three deliverables and submitted in Weeks 4, 6, and 8. You will have a choice of two companies for your project, but you only need to focus on one organisation for all three of the project deliverables.

Document Preview:

Managing Energy Sources
Week 4: Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Module Project Overview
The Final Project for this module will be completed in three deliverables and submitted in Weeks 4, 6, and 8. You will have a choice of two companies for your project, but you only need to focus on one organisation for all three of the project deliverables. The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the development of the following:
Energy monitoring programme for all facilities within the organisation selected
Benchmarking of energy conserving measures in the respective industry that might be relevant to the organisation of choice
Descriptive analysis (pros/cons) of potential investments for each facility to reduce energy consumption by facility
Discussion of appropriate methods to use for evaluation investment options
Recommendations/prioritisation regarding measures to be implemented by each facility
Organisation A: Yundai Forging
Yundai is a Korean-based manufacturer specialising in the provision of heavy equipment and automobile parts. The organisation’s product portfolio consists of track chain groups for excavators and tractors; roller groups such as shafts, seals, collars and bushings; crank shafts and connecting rods; sprockets, tooth and segments, as well as forging parts. The facility has two manufacturing operations in South Korea, one manufacturing operation in Malaysia, and one manufacturing operation in India. The organisation employs 2,250 people.
For the past 30-odd years, Yundai’s products expanded from one industrial segment to another and eventually into defence products that require one of the most stringent quality and durability standards spelled out by U.S. Department of Defence Specifications, adopted by the Korean Armed Forces.
Yundai has several different forging capabilities at its different facilities:
Open Die Forging
This process is known as hand, Smith, and hammer forging and is…


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This assignment is on Scheme. Was wondering if you could help me please

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Question 1 (2 marks)
A function sum-ax-plus-b takes four arguments, a, b, m, and n, and evaluates the sum of ax + b for x from m to n. Write a procedure that computes sum-ax-plus-b by means of a recursive (i.e. head recursive) process [1 marks]. Write a procedure that computes sum-ax-plus-b by means of an iterative (i.e. tail-recursive) process [1 marks].
Question 2 (3 marks)
A toy data structure specifies the name of a toy, a description, the acquisition price, and the recommended sales price. Create constructors and accessors for the toy structure, ensuring that you do not use Racket’s built-in structs [1 marks]. Using only your accessors to get at the data in your structure, define a function that sorts a list of toy structures by the difference between the two prices [2 marks].


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FMAC 503 Final Individual Assignment

December 2014


Communicate your answer in a simple, clear way.

· Show all of your work in a Word document.

· Fit your work onto 8 ½ x 11 inch pieces of paper.

· Single space.

· Use Arial 12 font.

· Include a header with your name on each page.

· Do not retype the problem.

· Do not include a table of contents.

· Clearly structure your response to correspond to the structure of the assignment (e.g., “Part B, Q. 1”).

· Use the marking template at the end of the exam to record multiple choice and true/false responses. These questions require only a letter or one-word response answer. For example:

1. c

2. true (or just t)

Part A – MULTIPLE CHOICE and TRUE/FALSE (1 mark each x 15 questions = 15 marks). Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. What type of audit report indicates that the financial statements have not been presented fairly?

a. A disclaimer of opinion.

b. An unqualified report.

c. A qualified report.

d. An adverse opinion.

2. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Annual reports must include three-year audited balance sheets and two-year audited income statements.

b. The balance sheet is prepared on a particular date.

c. Interim statements are generally prepared quarterly.

d. When a parent company owns more than 50% of the voting stock of a subsidiary, the financial statements are consolidated for both entities.

3. According to Fraser and Ormiston, which of the following items should be considered when analyzing accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful accounts?

a. The relationship among changes in sales, accounts receivable and the allowance for doubtful accounts.

b. A comparison of actual write-offs relative to amounts recognized as bad debts.

c. An analysis of the “Valuation and Qualifying Accounts” schedule required in the Form 10-K.

d. All of the above.

e. b and c.

4. Using FIFO during a period of inflation would result in net income being overstated relative to the LIFO method. (True/false)

5. The best measure to determine how well a firm operate within its industry is a. Gross profit. b. Operating profit. c. Earnings before taxes. d. Net profit.

6. The characteristics of management accounting information include (choose one) a. past information that is accurate and verifiable. b. information that is available either monthly, quarterly, or annually. c. standard information whose format is determined by the International Accounting Standards Board and the Institute of Management Accountants to enhance comparability across organizations. d. a focus on future activities and decisions.

7. The use of multiple-performance measures in the Balanced Scorecard would be expected to lead to all of the following EXCEPT:

a. more extensive use of financial measures such as cost and profit.

b. employees recognizing the interrelated dimensions of their work.

c. the use of new performance measures such as customer satisfaction and employee morale.

d. group-level performance measures.

8. A strategy MOST LIKELY to reduce the break-even point would be to:

a. increase both the capacity-related (fixed) costs and the contribution margin per unit.

b. decrease both the capacity-related (fixed) costs and the contribution margin per unit.

c. decrease the capacity-related (fixed) costs and increase the contribution margin per unit.

d. increase the capacity-related (fixed) costs and decrease the contribution margin per unit.

9. The major reason for using practical capacity as the denominator for activity driver calculations is to:

a. avoid distortions created by the assignment of unused capacity costs to the products produced or customers served.

b. simplify the calculations of the activity cost drivers.

c. reduce the cost of unused capacity.

d. place less emphasis on the cost of unused capacity.

10.Which of the following statements about activity-based costing is NOT true?

a. ABC is useful for allocating marketing and distribution costs.

b. ABC is more likely to result in major differences from traditional costing systems if the firm manufactures only one product rather than multiple products.

c. ABC seeks to distinguish batch-related, product-sustaining, and business-sustaining costs, especially when they are not proportionate to one another.

d. ABC differs from traditional costing systems in that products are not cross-subsidized.

11.A performance measurement system should accomplish all of the following except:

a. communicate the company’s strategy.

b. motivate employees to achieve strategic objectives.

c. identify financial measures to evaluate an organization’s intangible assets.

d. help managers allocate resources to the most productive alternatives.

12.An objective of the Theory of Constraints is to maximize the volume of production or workflow by managing the bottlenecks in a process. (True/False)

13.In target costing, supply chain management is an important means to resolve cost reduction problems. (True/False)

14.Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding capacity resources?

a. Raw materials and supplies are examples of intermediate-term resources.

b. Flexible resources are usually purchased to acquire intermediate-term capacity.

c. Long-term capacity resources are expensive and referred to as committed resources.

d. b and c

15.The PRIMARY reason for using cost variances is:

a. that they diagnose the cause of a problem and what should be done to correct it.

b. for superiors to communicate expectations to lower level employees.

c. to administer appropriate disciplinary action.

d. for financial control of operating activities.

Part B – Short Answer (10 questions; 50 marks). Supporting calculations must be provided to receive full marks.

1. (3 marks) Outline the effect of ‘perspective’ on the development of a conceptual framework for financial accounting. Give an example of how a difference in perspective can inform development of accounting standards within such a framework.

2. (4 marks) Assume that Jones Company has no opening inventory. The following purchases of inventory occurred during the year:

Date Purchase (units) Purchase Price per Unit

Jan 2. 2 $3

Feb. 15 3 $5

March 30 4 $7

July 29 6 $6

If Jones uses the average cost method of inventory valuation and sells three units in August, what is the dollar amount of its ending inventory?

3. (5 marks) Smith Company purchases equipment for $20,000. Management estimates that the equipment will have a useful life of five years and salvage value of $5,000. Calculate depreciation expense and net book value at the end of the second year using the double-declining balance method of depreciation.

4. (6 marks) Consider the following information:

Net income $200

Purchase of property and plant 90

Depreciation expense 50

Payment of cash dividends 25

Cash dividends received on shares recorded as

equity investments 30

Issue of capital stock 30

Increase in long-term debt 100

Decrease in inventories 10

Decrease in accounts payable 20

Repurchase of company’s shares for cash 100

Calculate cash flow from (used by) operating activities.

5. (4 marks) Sam’s Boxes currently makes one type of cardboard box. Annual output is 100,000 boxes. An outside supplier has offered to supply all of the needed boxes. A cost analysis revealed the following avoidable unit costs if this offer was taken:

Direct materials $0.25

Direct labor 0.03

Unit-related support costs 0.10

Batch-related support costs 0.12

Product-sustaining support costs 0.22

Business-sustaining support costs 0.28

Total cost per box $1.00

Calculate the maximum price that Sam’s Boxes should be willing to pay for each box from the outside supplier.

6. (6 marks) Jared Inc. is considering replacing its existing photocopier with a new one. The new system offers considerable operational savings. Information about the existing and new systems is as follows:



Original cost



Annual operating expenses



Accumulated depreciation to date



Current salvage value



Remaining life

5 years

5 years

Salvage value in 5 years



Annual depreciation expense



ShouldJared Inc. replace the existing photocopier with the new system?

7. (3 marks) Amity Plastic Manufacturing is a small plastic products manufacturer. The company uses machine-hours as the single, plant-wide predetermined cost driver rate to allocate manufacturing support costs to the various jobs contracted during the year. The following estimates are provided for the coming year for the company and for an order for Swift Food Processing Ltd.:

Amity Swift job

Direct materials $40,000 $1,000

Direct labor $10,000 $ 200

Manufacturing support costs $30,000

Machine-hours 100,000 900

What are the total estimated manufacturing costs for the Swift Food job?

8. (6 marks) Steve’s Salvage plans to salvage scrap metal and other materials from an old industrial site. The current owners of the site will sell the site to Steve’s for $100,000. Steve’s intends to extract scrap metal at the site for 24 months. It then will clean up the site, return the land to useable condition, and sell it to a developer. Projected costs are:



Initial outlay

Purchase land


Months 1-24

Metal extraction and processing

$5,000 per month

$110 per ton

Months 1-27

Rent on temporary buildings

$4,000 per month


$9,000 per month

Months 25-27


$27,000 per month

Land restoration

$1,048,000 total

Assume Steve’s Salvage expects to salvage 40,000 tons of metal from the site, and can sell the metal for $190 per ton. If the company wants to earn a profit of $40 per ton, at what price must it sell the land at the end of the project to achieve its target profit per ton? (Ignore the time value of money.)

9. (6 marks) At the beginning of the year, Acme Corporation initiated a quality improvement program. Theprogram was successful in reducing scrap and rework costs. To help assess the impact of the quality improvement program, the following data were collected for the current and preceding years:




Warranty and repair




Reliability engineering




Product acceptance




Quality training




Packaging inspections








Customer complaints








Sales revenue $1,250,000 $1,262,500 $1,350,000

Prepare atrendreport that shows total cost for each year for each cost of quality category. What conclusion(s) can be drawn from this?

10.(7 marks) Cancun Company is preparing a flexible budget to determine why operating profit fell below the budgeted amount. Complete the following table and list three possible reasons for the variance between budgeted and actual operating profit.

Master Budget



Actual Results


Sales volume (in units)




Sales Revenue



Variable costs



Contribution margin



Capacity-related (fixed) costs



Operating profit

$ 170,000


Part C – Problems (2 problems, 35 marks in total). Supporting calculations must be provided to receive full marks.

1. (15 marks) Ed’s Enterprises has been using a traditional activity-based costing system. The company is switching to time-driven activity-based costing. The current system assigns $600,000 of committed resource costs in the purchasing and receiving department. There are 10,000 hours of useful work time available (practical capacity). Based on interviews with purchasing and receiving personnel, the following information has been gathered:


Time percentage

Estimated cost driver quantity

Unit time in hours

Receiving materials


400 supplier deliveries


Preparing purchase orders


8,000 purchase orders


Moving materials in bulk


450 material moves



a. Compute the cost driver rates using traditional ABC.

b. Compute the time-driven ABC cost driver rates.

c. Determine the resource costs assigned under each method and any unassigned costs.

2. (20 marks) Jamaica Me Crazy Products sells coffee in the southern hemisphere. The company is planning its cash needs for the month of July. In the past, Jamaica has had to borrow money during July to purchase inventory in anticipation of peak coffee sales in August. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash flow forecast for July.

a. July forecast income statement:

Sales $40,000

Variable expenses (cost of goods sold) 24,000

Contribution margin 16,000

Fixed selling expense 7,200

Fixed administrative expense 5,600

Net operating income $ 3,200

b. Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on credit.

c. Credit sales are collected over a three-month period with 10% collected in the month of sale, 70% in the following month, and 20% in the second month following sale. May sales totaled 30,000 and June sales totaled $36,000.

d. Inventory purchases are paid for within 15 days. Therefore, 50% of a month’s inventory purchases are paid for in the month of purchase. The remaining 50% is paid in the following month. Accounts payable for inventory purchases at June 30 total $11,700.

e. The company maintains its ending inventory levels at 75% of the cost of the merchandise to be sold in the following month. The merchandise inventory at June 30 is $18,000. August sales are budgeted at $70,000. (See July sales for cost of goods sold percent).

f. Land costing $4,500 will be purchased in July.

g. The cash balance on Jun 30 is $8,000; the company must maintain a cash balance of at least this amount at the end of each month.

h. The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows it to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month, up to a total loan balance of $40,000. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month, based on the loan balance at the end of each month. There are no loans outstanding at June 30. Assume that interest is paid when the loan is repaid.

i. Fixed administrative expenses include $2,000 per month of depreciation expense.

Prepare a cash flow forecast and appropriate supporting schedules for the month of July.

Template for Part A


















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The financial statements of Procter & Gamble Company available athttp://www.pg.com/en_US/index.shtml.
Refer to P&G’s financial statements and the accompanying notes to answer the following questions:

  1. Using the notes to the consolidated financial statements,determine P&G’s revenue recognition policies.
    Discuss the impact of trade promotions on P&G’s financial statements.

  2. Give two examples of where historical cost information is reported in P&G’s financial statements and
    related notes. Give two examples of the use of fair value information reported in either the financial
    statements or related notes.

  3. How can we determine that the accounting principles used by P&G are prepared on a basis consistent
    with those of last year?

  4. What is P&G’s accounting policy relatedto advertising? What accounting principle does P&G follow
    regarding accounting for advertising? Where are advertising expenses reported in the financial

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Exercise 3-12 Preparing a classified balance sheet L.O. C4

Account Title Debit Credit
Cash $ 7,600
Accounts receivable 14,500
Office supplies 7,590
Trucks 186,000
Accumulated depreciation%u2014Trucks $ 38,316
Land 48,000
Accounts payable 11,600
Interest payable 9,000
Long-term notes payable 53,000
Common stock 17,000
Retained earnings 154,078
Dividends 36,000
Trucking fees earned 128,000
Depreciation expense%u2014Trucks 24,714
Salaries expense 64,722
Office supplies expense 10,000
Repairs expense Trucks 11,868

Totals $ 410,994 $ 410,994

P.S: the company is authorized 20,000 shares of Common stock but issued 17,000 shares.

The common stock per is $1.


a. Use the above adjusted trial balance to prepare Webb Trucking Company classified balance sheet as of December 31, 2011.

b. Use the above adjusted trial balance to prepare Webb Trucking Company classified balance sheet as of December 31, 2011, knowing that the company was authorized 5,000 shares of preferred stock, of which it issued 1,000 shares during 2011; the par value of the preferred stock is $5 and was sold for $20.

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(1)Understand the case study by assessing the key academic literature within the field of Marketing Strategy related to the case study
(2) Capacity to critically analyse theories that might inform the case. You will need to include in your assessment, at least, 10 academic references from textbook and journal articles. You must include 2 sources from marketing strategy books, 4 journal articles discussing marketing strategies theories, 2 other journals articles offering a new approach to marketing strategy and two examples that might support the case discussion.

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(1)Understand the case study by assessing the key academic literature within the field of Marketing Strategy related to the case study
(2) Capacity to critically analyse theories that might inform the case. You will need to include in your assessment, at least, 10 academic references from textbook and journal articles. You must include 2 sources from marketing strategy books, 4 journal articles discussing marketing strategies theories, 2 other journals articles offering a new approach to marketing strategy and two examples that might support the case discussion.
Prepare a short written report outlining your recommendations. Refer to the specific objectives of the assessment.
The assignment should be between 1,500-2000 words and should be completed individually


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Sociological Imagination 101 Spring 2014
Chapter One
True or False –Write your answer
**If False: write in the correct answer or change the sentence to make it true
Sociologists who use the functionalist perspective stress how industrialization and urbanization have undermined the traditional functions of the family.
Sociologists often use “common sense” to understand the way the world “is.”
The corners of life that people occupy, such as jobs, income, education, gender, age, and race, are referred to as the social imperative.
Booker T.

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Sociological Imagination 101 Spring 2014
Chapter One
True or False –Write your answer
**If False: write in the correct answer or change the sentence to make it true
Sociologists who use the functionalist perspective stress how industrialization and urbanization have undermined the traditional functions of the family.
Sociologists often use “common sense” to understand the way the world “is.”
The corners of life that people occupy, such as jobs, income, education, gender, age, and race, are referred to as the social imperative.
Booker T. Washington was the first African American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard University.
Herbert Spencer believed the most capable and intelligent members of a society would survive while the weak and less capable would die, thus improving society, in a master plan he called “the survival of the fittest.”
Multiple Choice – Circle your answer
1. The first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life was ________.
A) Auguste Comte
B) Max Weber
C) Karl Marx
D) Emile Durkheim
2. The notion that only the fittest members of society deserve to survive and that social programs to help the poor will ultimately weaken the social order is a doctrine known as ________.
A) positivism
B) social Darwinism
C) post-modernism
D) social welfare
3. Karl Marx suggested that the force that drives human history and is at the core of human society is ________.
A) class conflict
B) religion
C) family
D) education
4. The sociological perspective emphasizes how the social context influences people’s lives, particularly how people are influenced by ________.
A) random chance events
B) geographical location
C) society
D) inherited genetic structure
5. What are values in the context of sociology?
A) beliefs about what is desirable in life and the way the world ought to be
B) estimations of the amount…


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Lean Business Analysis Paradigm – Evaluation Report
Assignment Brief
Due to the intensity of cost and other competitive pressures in the current economic climate, the Board of [your organization of choice] has appointed you to research and evaluate the potential of the Lean Thinking paradigm for analyzing and improving your organisation’s current level of performance. Your terms of reference from the Board are to produce for them, by Tuesday 7th May 2013, a 5,000 word business report of appropriate format, standard of presentation and content to enable them to make an informed decision.
This document should contain the following elements (indicative word count is provided to ensure a ‘balanced’ document):
1. A cover page.
2. An Executive Summary [250 words]
3. A brief descriptive context [for the marker of the assignment] that provides an explanation of who/ what your organization is; what products/ services it provides and its current markets and competitive position [750 words]

4. An introduction that details the aim of the report, nature of the problem and current level of operational performance; typically expressed in terms of revenues/ costs/ quality/ and time-responsiveness criteria [500 words].
5. Main body text [3,000 words]:
• Explains the attributes and key concepts of the paradigm.
• Interprets how these might be applied to the organization described in the descriptive context (2).
• Evaluates the ‘fit’ of this paradigm to this specific context; its relative strengths/ weaknesses or advantages/ disadvantages.
6. A conclusion/ recommendation that provides your assessment of the likely impact on the organisation’s operational performance if the above is implemented [500 words].
7. Back Matter: Any appendices and supporting or reference information.

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