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Assume that you’ve been asked to create a class to represent a triangle.

Assume that you’ve been asked to create a class to represent a triangle.

-The triangle is defined by the length of its 3 sides. Each length is an integer.

-The triangle must have a default constructor that sets the length of each side to 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The triangle must have an additional 3 argument constructor that allows the length of each side to be specified.

-The triangle must have 3 getter (accessor) methods that allow a programmer to retrieve the the length of each side.

-The triangle must have 3 setter (mutator) methods that allow a programmer to change the length of each side.

-The triangle must have 4 additional methods isEquilateral, isScalene, isIsosceles and isRight. Each method has no parameters and returns a boolean value.

This is what you need to do:

-Implement the triangle class.

-Use the supplied test program to test your class.

-Submit one zip file to moodle. The zip file will contain your program and the Code::Blocks Project information.

-Submit a file containing output that documents that all of your methods work.


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