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Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business.

Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.
Submit a book review of 1,000 words in current APA format. Choose 1 chapter and write an in-depth review of the chapter you choose. Discuss 1 or 2 main points with which you agree and 1 or 2 with which you do not agree, supporting your thoughts with well-reasoned arguments. Your analysis must also be supported by at least 3 sources other than the Grudem book, and by biblical principles. Each additional source must be cited in-text and in a reference list in current APA format. This review will be evaluated based on the grading rubric provided.

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