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Christian Business Management

Christian Business Management

As a part of this Organizational Behavior Class, students will need to complete a major term project on a project they define that is related to Organizational Behavior and the SLO’s for this class. This can be done as a group with a couple other students or individually.  If done in a group, you need to send your professor an email of the group name and all members no later than week six (6). If working in a group, peer feedback will also determine the variance of points given for the assignment. All group members will score the same on the presentation and paper, but a weighting factor will be used if someone isn’t pulling their weight to appropriately score their contributions. 

Each person and/or Team will conduct a Consulting project with an organization. They will use the tools they learn in this class to Identify & Analyze, Reflect & Consult with them across an area of their business. This could be evaluating any of the processes/areas we cover in this class: 

1. The effectiveness of their management process

2. Organizational Culture & Innovation

3. Team formation and performance

4. Motivation and performance

5. Decision making and Creativity

6. Conflict

7. Communications

8. Power & politics

9. Leadership process and effectiveness

10. Organizational structure and design 

You will construct a plan for this project, complete with milestones and have this approved by your professor to ensure you are on the right track with your assignment.  

Your assignment will consist of:

• Physical observation of the work unit/company

• Interview(s) and or a survey with key leaders/some employees. 

• You will be a student of the behavior and process and use that data to identify and analyze what’s working well/could be improved.  

• You will then use the Reflect and Consult lens to pull together 1 page infographic on what you found that could help someone interested in doing this well. (e.g., data around what you found, steps to doing this well, etc.). I’ve attached a sample infographic from last semester’s class. See these examples of infographics here).  

• You will also write up a group paper on your process and findings and then do a short presentation as if back to the “client” on what you discovered and what you’d recommend to them as an organizational consultant


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