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current content article summary

Find an article and/or video on a country or subject relating to the material being covered on the due dates, of 9/5 (The Global Managers Environment), 10/17 (Negotiation), and 11/5 (Leadership across Cultures) respectively
Read the article
Write a one-page summary to be handed in and discussed on the discussion board
You can also get your article from any of the sources listed below:

Business Week, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and other journals/news publications/internet resources that would acquaint students with current events related to class discussion.  Several websites are cited in the textbook.  Particularly useful sites include: www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/, www.iht.com (International Herald Tribune), www.wto.org, www.worldbank.org, www.img.org, www.usatrade.gov, www.tradeport.org, www.un.org, www.oecd.org, www.nafta.org, www.exim.gov, www.transparency.de

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