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Design an inventory class that stores the following members:

Design an inventory class that stores the following members:</o:p>


serialNum: An integer that holds a part’s serial number.</o:p>

manufactDate: A member that holds the date the part was manufactured.</o:p>

lotNum: An integer that holds the part’s lot number.</o:p>


The class should have appropriate member functions for storing data into, and</o:p>

retrieving data from, these members.</o:p>


Next, design a stack class that can hold objects of the class described above. If you</o:p>

wish, you may use the template you designed in Programming Challenge 1 or 2.</o:p>


Last, design a program that uses the stack class described above. The program should</o:p>

have a loop that asks the user if he or she wishes to add a part to inventory, or take a</o:p>

part from inventory. The loop should repeat until the user is finished.</o:p>


If the user wishes to add a part to inventory, the program should ask for the serial</o:p>

number, date of manufacture, and lot number. The data should be stored in an inventory </o:p>

object, and pushed onto the stack.</o:p>


If the user wishes to take a part from inventory, the program should pop the top-most</o:p>

part from the stack and display the contents of its member variables.</o:p>


When the user finishes the program, it should display the contents of the member values</o:p>

of all the objects that remain on the stack

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