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Draft of Report

This draft is considered a complete “working” draft, which means it should be a finished, fully developed draft.

The purpose of your Report is to build upon your Permission Memo by generating an argument about the problem/issue you have been researching.

A Report is an argument, and each sub-section generates an argument within it that relates back to the overall problem/question. Please remember: you are not informing an audience. You are persuading them.

Please include the following in the Draft:

Title Page: key information about you and title of project
Executive Summary: one-page summary of project
Table of Contents
Problem Definition: introduces and defines the problem, includes the scope of the problem, a technical review of the research, and design requirements
Solution Description: describes the proposed/possible solution(s), includes an overview, and an informed, detailed description
Evaluation: evaluates the proposed solution(s), includes overview, results from other firms who have used the solution, assessment, and the next steps
Appendices: relevant charts, graphs, and images
Length: 5000-6000 words
Audience: Client
Formating Style: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/turabian/turabian-author-date-citation-quick-guide.html
Use the attached files to complete the report
Follow the paper template (Attached)

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