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Epilepsy and the system its associated with

The goal is to research a disorder and write a 3-5 page research using APA format (see rubric below).
General Requirements: Instructor may refuse to grade papers that do not meet these requirements (grade=zero)
  General format: APA documentation style
The narrative portion of the paper is a
minimum of three complete pages and a maximum of five pages.
o Pagesarecountedexcluding graphics or long quotes.
Paper is submitted following the instructors directions
All verbatim quotes of 3 words or more must be set apart from your own words with quote marks or a block quote.
All paraphrased statements are cited. Cases of plagiarism will be penalized
according to ME policy
  Papers submitted after ______________________ lose 5 points a day (excluding Sundays)
Papers submitted after ______________________ (2 weeks after due date) will receive a 0.
APA format
o 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri font used throughout o Entirepaperisdoublespaced
o Margins are 1″ on all sides
o TitlePageformattedcorrectly
o Narrativebeginsonpage2.
o Narrative is a minimum of 3 FULL pages and a maximum of 5 pages. o Pages are counted excluding graphics or long quotes.
o Running header (left aligned, all caps) and page number (right
o aligned) on every page including reference pages
In-text Citations
o All reference sources and citations match.
o ProperAPAstyle
o Citation is correctly incorporated into the sentence it supports o Page or paragraph number included for direct quotes and
blockquotes used for 40+ word verbatim quotes (double spaced,
indent all lines 12 inch, no quote marks, cite at end) References Page
o Page is titled References and appears at the end of the paper o References appear alphabetically
o Hanging indents and double spacing used
Reference List
o Minimum of 4 (four) sources: journal articles, books, reputable
websites (CDC, NIH, Medline, etc.)
o References are cited in the correct APA format for the type of
citation they represent (newspaper, book, journal, webpage, etc.) www.mildred-elley.edu Page 11 of 13
  Last Revised 04/2018 Curriculum Revised: 01/2018

BIO110 Syllabus
      Grammar and spelling
Subject/verb agreement
Proper paragraph division, no run-on sentences Spelling and word use is correct
Pronoun agreement, no personal pronouns
o Supportfortopic
Topic is stated clearly
All aspects required are covered:
Description (etiology)
Affected population
Other as stated in syllabus
Information presented is accurate
All details are supported and cited
Paper goes beyond a general description of the topic No personal opinion/stories included
o Focus on topic and sequencing
Introduction, body, conclusion
Body of paper is organized into appropriate sections Organization follows a logical flow
Transition between paragraphs
Main idea is well supported

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