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Final book report



For the final paper, you will be examining a social issue of your choosing and social networks. Importantly, you will be using the book “Connected” (Author: Kim Hartman) and 2 peer-reviewed research articles. There is a great deal of network analysis in the computer and information sciences, but for this paper you will need to focus on applications of network approaches to social phenomena.

Journals you may find network analysis of social issues

American Journal of Sociology

American Sociological Review

Social Science Quarterly

Social Psychology

Sociological Theory

Sociological Perspectives

Sociological Forum

American Political Science Review

British Journal of Sociology


The final paper will review the literature and include a discussion/conclusion section where you will provide a summary or your own thoughts on the research articles you have reviewed. Possible things you may want to write about: what can social networks tell us about the topic? In what ways can social network analysis provide insights into the topic that a “non-social network approach” can’t?

*For some handy and helpful tips on writing, see the “McEvoy’s Full Proof Guide to Writing Academic Papers” that is posted in the Final Paper Module. If you adopt these practices, you are almost guaranteed to get better grades and impress potential employers.

The paper should be written in an essay-style format; structured with an introduction, body, and discussion/conclusion. A thesis statement in the first paragraph is required.
4 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, and 1” margins, Times New Roman

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