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Using Socrates (either as portrayed by Plato or Aristophanes–or both) and Ordinary Men respond to the following quotation.  Make sure that your response takes the form of articulating and developing a thesis.

“As I considered the nature of evil, the question that imposed itself was: Could the activity of thinking as such, the habit of examining whatever happens to come to pass to attract attention, regardless of results and specific content, could this activity be among the conditions that make men abstain from evil-doing or even ‘condition’ them against it?  (The very word ‘con-science,’ at any rate, points in this direction insofar as it means ‘to know with and by myself’ a kind of knowledge that is actualized in thinking.)  And is not this hypothesis enforced by everything we know about conscience, namely, that a ‘good conscience’ is enjoyed as a rule only by really bad people, criminals and such, while only ‘good people’ are capable of a bad conscience.”

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