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Hospitality Marketing Research Proposal

Hospitality Marketing Research Proposal

Research Topic: The influence of leader-member exchange and job satisfaction on employees’ turnover intentions.

Total 3000 words for the research proposal in two-phase commit.

Assessment 3a: A preliminary proposal (15%) 

Submission instructions: A file sent to the lecturer prior to class 
Written document: Soft copy (Turnitin) & hard copy (submit in class) 
Turnitin instructions: Yes

Assessment3a brief: 
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a brief research proposal. This should be done by reviewing 5-7 key journal articles on a course-relevant topic that interests you before this assignment is due. Please use these articles as a basis for developing a research idea that extends current theories or attempts to generate new theories. In Week 7, be prepared to deliver to the class a synopsis of your research idea in terms of title, problem statement, objectives of the study and brief research methods. Your assignment should be submitted the soft copy (Turnitin) / handed in (hard-copy) to the lecturer before the due (see below for the submission guideline). Use APA 6th reference style, Paper: around 1000 words, double-spaced). 
Read carefully and use the 5-7 journal articles what I provided as the references of the preliminary proposal, please. 

Assessment 3b: A final proposal (35%) 
Due date and time: 24 September (written document) 
Submission instructions: A file sent to the lecturer prior to class 
Written doc.: Soft copy (Turnitin) 
Turnitin instructions: Yes 
Assessment brief: 
This assignment should be an extended version of your preliminary proposal. The final proposal should refine your preliminary proposal ideas and present detailed research methods that could be used to test hypotheses empirically. The final proposal should review relevant literature on the topic you have chosen, develop a theoretical framework that may include research hypotheses, and describes research methods for testing the hypotheses. Your assignment should be submitted to Turnitin (soft-copy) before the due. For Week 12, Paper: around 3000 words, double-spaced.

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