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How animal research provide us with useful information applicable to human beings

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Writing Style: APA

Number of sources: 2

1 full page per question, no title page needed, no introduction needed elaborate thoroughly on the questions. This work has to be submitted Saturday April 19, 2014 thanks.

Question 1:How does animal research provide us with useful information applicable to human beings? Discuss the importance of animal research in better understanding any of the following issues (or provide your own example):
• addiction
• depression/anxiety
• phobias
• response to rewards or punishment

Question 2:
Learning serves a valuable purpose to the organism. It often increases survival and provides improved quality of life opportunities. In these ways, learning is “adaptive.” In this thread, discuss an example of how learning can be “maladaptive.”

Chance, P. (2009) Learning and Behavior. (6th ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

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