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Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis of the Kraft Foods Group

Step One: Conduct a critical and thorough internal analysis of the Kraft Foods Group, assessing as many of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses as you can. Incorporate the results of your RBV analysis from the SLP exercise into your discussion. Also, consider the operations, customer servicefinancehuman resources management, and marketing functions.

Step Two: Present the results of an internal analysis, leading to conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses facing the Kraft Foods Group as revealed by your analysis.

Step Three: Synthesize your internal analysis with your external environmental analysis and complete an overall SWOTanalysis. In essence, you are to recommend—based on your SWOT—specifically what the company should do. Give your overall analysis—does the company have more strengths than weaknesses? More weaknesses than strengths? Whatever you decide, you need to recommend (with explanations) a company strategy—in response to your collective assessment of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Step Four: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as the Kraft Foods Group’s consultant. This is a professional document.

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