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Java programing

Due in 8 hours from now.

1. Hands-on exercise 3, page 42 of the book, point #4, describes how to compute the present value of a future amount. Create a GUI interface for the program, where it accepts three values: future value, annual interest rate in decimals, and years in the future as an integer. When the present value button is clicked, the answer is shown on the right with only two digits after the decimal point. The clear button will clear all the text fields and the close button will close the application. The title of the application and your name should show as the following two screen shots show:

When you are done with the program, I need to see it running on your computer and the code should be printed and handed in by the due date. Total points for this assignment is 10 points.


2. Design a grades program that accepts five grades from the user. When the calculate button is clicked it should show the five grades entered, their average, and the letter grade. Also, add a menu bar to the program with menus: File, Edit, and Help. The File menu will have one menu item: Exit, which will close the program. The Edit menu will have two menu items: calculate and clear. The Help menu will have one menu item: About, which will show a pop up window with the message; Designed by YOUR NAME. The program should look something like this:

When you are done with the program, I need to see it running on your computer and the code should be printed and handed in by the due date. Total points for this assignment is 10 points.

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