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Location and Opportunity

Journal 4- Location and Opportunity
As you might have sensed, one neighborhood might be more affluent than another. One town might have lower rent than another. One city might be cheaper to live in overall than another, and milk can cost more or less depending on where you get it.
For this journal, well explore that variation based on location and attributes such as family income, education, race and family size.

1. Listen to this news story from NPR: https://www.npr.org/2018/10/01/649701669/the-american-dream-is-harder-to-find-in-some-neighborhoods
2. Go to this map and explore what it shows where you are, where others are and your identity and attributes as well as others.
3. Take note of how similar and different regions are regarding the subheadings under Outcomes such as employment rate, incarceration rate, etc. for different areas. Do they seem related? I.e. Are there low income and higher incarceration rates or the reverse in some places?
4. Discuss the concept of opportunity as it relates to your findings. What does opportunity mean in the context of employment rates and wages, then rent cost or median income for the area. Are classes relative?

In 2-3 pages, write your response to the above questions. Remember to use formal language and check grammar. If anything is not an original thought, cite it. Show your references at the end.

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