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Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Guidelines – Remember:

• You are writing about the past, use the proper tense

o Do not, as modeled by CNN and other media, use the present tense to write about the past

• Do not use contractions: Can’t for can not, won’t for will not, etc.

• Do not write in the first person (“I will write about…”; “We now believe…”) 

• Do not hedge, i.e. “It seems that…” or “It appears that…” Be resolute, take a firm stand and support it with facts and details

• All essays will have an Introduction, Body and Conclusion

o Use the formula: 

 Tell what you are going tell

 Tell 

 Tell what you told


IMPORTANT: Size does not equate with importance. Do not write: “One big thing about the Renaissance was the development of Humanism.” Big does not mean important. Use an accurate word to describe what you are writing. For example:


“One of the major developments of the Renaissance was Humanism.” 

“One important development of the Renaissance was Humanism.” 

“One central development of the Renaissance was Humanism.”


Do not use big, huge, giant, colossal 


Instead write: important, central, or major

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