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Personal Leaderhip Style

  1. Name Personal Leaderhip Style Reflection Paper
    Due Date
    Points Possible 75
  2. This is a reflective paper about you and your personal leadership style from your perspective. In addition, you are required to ask a friend and/or a colleague their perception of your leadership style. You must apply some of the theory related to leadership that you have learned during the course from the text and/or other sources. Reflect upon the opportunities that you have had to lead in formal or informal situations. Please include the following:
    • Describe your leadership style
    • What are my leadership qualities that I can build upon?
    • What are the areas that I can build upon to become a more effective leader?
    • How can I apply conceptual material learned in this course to my real life now and/or in the future?
    • How has my gender, ethnicity, national culture influenced me, as I think about my leadership style?
    • How will  you develop further as a leader?
    • What might hinder you from being the kind of leader you hope to become?
    Please write a 1 to 2 page paper.  Type in Word format with double spacing, using a regular size 12 point font. Make sure to list your last name and first initial, and the name of the assignment. Please submit your assignment through Blackboard.
    Grading:  This assignment will be graded based upon the following criteria:
    Completeness:  All requirements completed (A/90-100%); most completed (B/89-80%); some completed (C/79-70%); or, incomplete (D/69-60%).
    Application/Links to Course Readings and/or Additional Research:  Excellent analysis of your style with clearly documented application/links to class (and/or outside) readings (A/90-100%); good analysis with documented application/links to material read (B/89-80%);  limited analysis and documented application/links to any readings (C/79-70%); incomplete analysis and links to any readings (D/69-60%).

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