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PowerPoint Presentation on Compliance Program and Corporate Sentencing Guidelines

Activity Instructions: PowerPoint Presentation on Compliance Program and Corporate Sentencing Guidelines

Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style.

Using ProQuest, the College Library, conduct research on the importance of corporate compliance programs under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations. Find at least five (5) articles relevant to the topic and organize the information in a 2-page presentation script. Then, prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least twelve (12) slides. Provide a bibliography of the articles in addition to your script and PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation should, as a minimum, cover the following points. (100 points) (A 2-page script and a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation is required.)

1) Concept of corporate responsibility
2) History of the sentencing guidelines
3) 2004 Amendments to the sentencing guidelines
4) Key elements of a compliance program

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