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Qualitative Research Article Analysis

Submit your analysis of a qualitative research article, using the rubric as a guide for your analysis.  The intent is to integrate the concepts that you have learned in the course to date as part of your article analysis. Please include a PdF copy of your article with your uploaded analysis.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Design
15.0 pts; Design is correctly explained through examination of key features: Question, Method, Results

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro and Lit. Review
15.0 pts; Problem is identified and linkage made to Research Question/Purpose. Literature analyzed.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Methodology
20.0 pts;  All of the main parts of the design are analyzed; Strong evidence of Method knowledge.

20.0 pts; Results are correctly articulated; specifically linked to table evidence or narrative and matched to design intent and research questions

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