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Ryodine Receptors

The 3 Papers Provided are journals on the evolution Ryodine receptor (RyR) calcium release channels

Using All 3 paper journals combine prepare:

-Brief Explanation Of Ryodine Receptor function, where it is located, and what is the purpose of the calcium release channel.

– explain the areas of how ryodine receptors are very similar STRUCTURALLY to the intositol 1,4,5- trisphospate receptor along with the FUNCTIONS.

– explain the areas of how ryodine receptors are very different STRUCTURALLY to the intositol 1,4,5- trisphospate receptor along with their Unique FUNCTIONS.

-Explain the EXPERIMENT METHODS used to determine evolutionary change within the RyR Receptor and RESULTS Of those experiments

-MOST IMPORTANTLY Explain the Challenges That Are Faced Concerning This Research, Problems That Need To Bee Solved And Suggestions To Solve These Chalenges.

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