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Shortage and Lack of Female Airline Pilots

Shortage and Lack of Female Airline Pilots


-Look at the topic from the business point of view, meaning Im interested to analyze and research the fact that there is a shortage of pilots around the world, and to deal with it why not utilize the female workforce to compensate the shortage. in that analysis comes the challenges. 
-Im not looking to explore why there is no equality between male and female. My idea is a business one, as how to use the female workforce effectively. I want my paper to have a business point of view and significance.
-I need the paper to be in good academic writing, fort size and structure. -Academic paper with formal language. Please refer to me with as “the author” (3rd person).
-Paragraphed correctly when every time changing a thought.
-In methodology state the primary research which you will choose and why? 
-Everything your doing must reflect to my objectives
-Everything must be supported by evidence. 
-Must provided evidence of lack of interest in commercial piloting career by women.
-Conclusions should be based on the findings.
-Think of the indian commercial market where a lot of women are now employed in the airlines vs Europe and china.
-Methodology and analysis will give you findings. then the research will reflect the objectives.
-I don’t want the paper to be just another paper of shortage of female in aviation, but to be an analytic, research, findings and recommendations from business point of view, reflecting my objectives.
-Maybe contacting females groups in aviation, or female associations. (I will try as well).
-I will be feeding you with my own research as you write the project. whenever I come across an idea or an article I will forward it to you. 
-When Im doing the final presentation, it must cover the following questions:
2. How did you go about the project writing?
3. What were the most interesting conclusions of the work (not necessarily only the written conclusions)?
4. What further research would you recommend on your topic?
Just have this in mind so that at the end you will brief me the way you wrote and thought about the project so that I can easily present it.




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