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Software Project Management – Work breakdown, risks and estimation

This coursework is for the scottish housing options who are buildiong an e-learning toolkit, the project breakdown is listed in files below.


Please talk about the below point the mark for this is out of 60

1. Architecture Diagram

System Architecture Diagram. This should show the key components of your proposed system and the interfaces between them. 

2. Work Breakdown Structure

Produce a top-down Work Breakdown Structure for the project. This should keep sub-systems separate. Allocate an approximate budget to each top-level deliverable. 

3. Uncertainties

Give an example of a favourable/unfavourable uncertainty, in each of the following categories (10 examples in total):

a. Financial- – exchange rate changes may benefit a project

b. Technical- a breakthrough could benefit a project (and others)

c. Business Environment- growth in a market could make a project more profitable

d. Social- stakeholder buy-in could help a project

e. External/Natural Environment- melting ice sheets could make oil extraction easier

4. Uncertainty analysis

Add likelihood estimates, impact assessments, and response strategies for your unfavourable examples, and risk Matrix

5. Network Diagram

Use the tasks from two interdependent components from your answer to section 2, to create a Network Diagram, showing the Critical Path through the tasks.

6. Software Estimation

For one software component of the project, use appropriate methods to estimate the size of the software, and the effort and cost required to deliver it.

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