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Grazian argues that decision making in the media industries is primarily driven by the minimization of risk and provides many examples for support of his theory, including how the production of media typically adheres to traditional genre categories and other types of cultural conventions. While this may be a tad difficult to do due to much production being paused currently, research new shows, films, and/or other types of popular media (books, for example – though this may be difficult to do with music) being released soon and identify any trends that you may perceive as ‘traditional genre’ (if you are unable to find a suitable/detailed list due to the pandemic, perhaps research media released earlier this year or to be released next year; you could even provide a discussion on ‘remakes’).

For myself, after reading this chapter, I found myself retrospectively understanding why so many popular television shows were a bit similar – such as procedural cop shows. Did you experience the same thing? Provide your thoughts on the reproduction of traditional genres here.

*note: this is a graded discussion. Points are awarded for participation and can be decreased if your post does not meet the criteria detailed in the instructions (a minimum of 100 words and a short response to a classmate)

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