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Witches in Italian Culture (Stregheria)

We have talked about many different types of supernatural creatures through various lenses throughout the course. There is, however, one supernatural creature we have not yet mentioned. For your final, you will use three or more of the academic approaches we have been utilizing throughout the course to perform an in depth analysis on witches. This is a research paper and you will be expected to write a clear and precise thesis statement and find at least three scholarly sources that support your ideas. Depending on the quality of your sources, it is likely that you will want more than three to support your thesis.

Thesis statement: Needs revision!
    Stregheria is a form of modern paganism most commonly practiced in early Italian witchcraft. There are several different aspects of stregheria, each with its own history and traditions. Charles Leland brought stregheria to light when he published, Aradia: Gospel of Witches, in the 1800s. With his foundings, stregheria grew popularity among Italian culture, even some of which is commonly used today in Southern Europe.

Short Stregheria in Italian culture
    What is it?
    What does it represent?
    How is it viewed then and now?
Charles Leland
    Aradia: Gospel of Witches.
    Provide insight on Leland findings
    Summarize main points
    My opinion on stregheria

Possible sources
http://www.stregheria.com/ (lots of resources within this site)

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