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Write a biography on an artist (Bosch, Hieronymus).

ARTS 112 Midterm Paper
Length: 4 pages minimum
Assignment Topic
Write a biography on an artist (Bosch, Hieronymus). Be as thorough as possible.
Include the following information:
1. Artist?s background ? well-known personality traits, childhood family life, education and training, marriage, children, important dates like birth, death, major exhibitions, etc. (50 points)
2. Career – major successes or failures, well known works, medium the artist worked in, typical subject matter, styles the artist worked in (40 points)
3. Lifetime ? Major events/technology that occurred in the artist?s lifetime that shaped his/her work (40 points)
4. Influences ? who influenced the artist and whom the artist influenced; include an example of another artist?s work that you believe was influenced by your chosen artist and describe those characteristics (40 points)
5. Conclusion – Why did you choose the artist? What did you learn? (10 points)
Important Guidelines:
?Organize this material into a 4 page formal research paper.
?It should be double spaced with a 1? margin and type size should not exceed 12 pts.
?Art History, as a discipline, utilizes the MLA style.
?Please use at least two book and unlimited internet resources.
?Always cite your sources!
?Please note: Wikipedia and other “Wiki-” websites are not acceptable sources of information for any assignment in this class.

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