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Write a complete literary analysis over your poem

Write a complete literary analysis over your poem. Use the focus statement from Step 5 as your thesis statement. Use the following organizational structure:

Body Paragraph #1: Analysis of first quatrain

Body Paragraph #2: Analysis of second quatrain

Body Paragraph #3: Analysis of third quatrain

Body Paragraph #4: Analysis of rhyming couplet

In your analysis, be sure to comment on and analyze a) literary devices/elements that you noticed in your annotations AND b) the characteristics of Courtly Love that appear in your poem. You should consider their purpose and support each with text evidence from the poem. You should also address how these elements contribute to an overall thematic idea. This essay will be similar to a Poetry Timed Write, but much more thorough as you are not constrained by time. This should be on the same GoogleDoc as your poem; start with a fresh page and create an academic title for your essay.


STEP 8- On the next page of your GoogleDoc, copy and paste a piece of art from the Renaissance Era (include title and artist) and write a one paragraph explication of the piece that addresses at least one of the following ideas:

How the piece mirrors the same characteristic(s) of Courtly Love as your poem

How the piece is based on the same subject matter as your poem

How the piece can be interpreted with the same theme as your poem


Google Arts & Culture has an entire page devoted to Renaissance art: https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/m06cvx 


STEP 9 – On the final page of your GoogleDoc, include a Works Cited page that provides properly formatted MLA citations for sources used in your research on Courtly Love tropes as well as your image for Renaissance art.

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