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Write your response to the following: A person s self concept plays a large role in how he or she views the world; it helps a person process social information, judge feedback, and influences what he or she notices in others. Culture teaches people what values are important and can determine if they view themselves as independent, emphasizing being unique and expressing oneself, or interdependent, emphasizing a social connectedness. Your culture includes your family, friends, city, and country. Explain how your culture has influenced your self concept.

Write your response to the following: A person s self concept plays a large role in how he or she views the world; it helps a person process social information, judge feedback, and influences what he or she notices in others. Culture teaches people what values are important and can determine if they view themselves as independent, emphasizing being unique and expressing oneself, or interdependent, emphasizing a social connectedness. Your culture includes your family, friends, city, and country. Explain how your culture has influenced your self concept.

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